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idmoz Regional Asia Singapore Health Conditions and Diseases

Conditions and Diseases Websites

For sites concerning specific medical conditions, where the content of the site has a focus in Singapore.- Category ID : 117906
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National Kidney Foundation of Singapore

A non-profit organisation for Singaporeans who suffer from kidney failure. Provides medical care and patient support for kidney patients, and increases public awareness and understanding of kidney disease.
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National Arthritis Foundation

Non-profit organisation with the aims of helping arthritis sufferers, education, and supporting arthritis research.
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Action for AIDS

Provides thorough knowledge on AIDS including causes, precautions and medication
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Singapore Epilepsy Foundation

A website dedicated to improving the quality of life of people with epilepsy.
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Singapore Cancer Society

A self-funding voluntary welfare organization that provides information on cancer prevention and control, as well as education, research and patient care services.
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I Autistic

Made by an autistic to promote autism awareness in Singapore. Contains tests, video clips, games, artwork and various resources.
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Pet Health in the Tropics

Common health concerns and diseases of pets.
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Campaign Against Dengue

A Singapore Government public education website about dengue fever and how to stop mosquitoes from spreading it. Also includes related events and promotional materials.
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ADHD/ADD Support Group

They aim to provide a caring and empowering environment for people to share their ideas, concerns, problems, and solutions regarding Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder. A number of the members are also members of SPARK (Society for the Promotion of ADHD Research & Knowledge).
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Health Xchange

An interactive health and lifestyle resource portal developed by Singapore Health Services. Provides information on healthy living, conditions and treatments and various health assessment tools.
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National Skin Centre

Provides information and materials on common skin diseases to educate the public. It is an outpatient specialist dermatological centre under the National Health Group.
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Autism Help and Advice

Where, when and how to get help and advice for parents of children with autism.
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ADHD Singapore

Non-Profit ADHD Community, Forum and Blog for Parents and Children in Singapore.
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