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Government Websites

- Category ID : 114844
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Macau - Finance Services Bureau

The Direcção dos Serviços de Finanças, responsible for Organizing the public accounting system and budget of Macao, and the setting up of investment policies for the public sector.
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Legislative Assembly

The Legislative Assembly of the Macau Special Administrative Region.
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Macau Identification Department

Information on applying for naturalization and obtaining and replacing the Macao SAR Resident Identity Card.
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Government Information Bureau

Publications, legislation, media contacts and current and archived news articles.
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Macau SAR Government Portal

Citizen, tourist and business area. A portal in English, Portuguese and Chinese. Provided by the Macau SAR Government.
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Macau Trade and Investment Promotion Institute

Responsible for carrying out the policies formulated for trade and foreign investment promotion in Macau.
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Monetary Authority of Macau (AMCM)

The AMCM supervises monetary and financial operations and advises the SAR Government on long-term financial stability.
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Macau Customs

General information on port entry, customs applications, laws, services, and facilities. Includes advice to travelers.
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Instituto do Desporto

Includes sporting event information, tournament information, contacts, match schedules, and past results.
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Macau Economic Service

Responsible for assisting in drafting and implementing economic policies in the economic and intellectual property areas, as well as in other fields that it might be directed to do so by the Government of Macau.
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Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Center

A non-profit organization which provides training, information and resources to the business community.
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Official site of the Association of Workers in Public Services of Macau. Board members, photo gallery and discussion forum.
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Commission Against Corruption (CCAC) of Macau

A public entity dedicated to fighting corruption and carrying out ombudsman functions.
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Macau - Statistics and Census Service

A department of the Public Administration of Macau, in charge of the orientation, co-ordination, execution and control of the statistical activities in Macau.
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World Legal Information Institute - Macau, China

Catalog and search facilities for over 500 databases from 55 countries including case-law, legislation, treaties, law reform reports, law journals, and other materials.
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IFES - Election Guide: Macau

Includes government overview, elections, news and links.
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US Law Library of Congress - Macau

Annotated compendium of online sources providing access to primary documents, legal commentary and general government information about specific jurisdictions and topics.
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