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Government Websites

- Category ID : 114711
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Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan

News and information including the calendar, activities, regulations, Deputies, laws, Constitution and history. [English, Kazakh, Russian]
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Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Official site provides news and information including the Prime Minister, the President, programs, acts and decisions, statements, publications and links to national and local governmental agencies and bodies. [English, Kazakh, Russian]
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The National Bank of Kazakhstan

Represents information about the legislative data, Kazakhstan currency, money and credit politics, payment and banking system.
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President of Republic of Kazakhstan

Official site provides news and information about the presidency including events, speeches and the administration. [English, Kazakh, Russian]
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Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Official site includes news, a country overview, travel, visa and consular information. [English, Kazakh, Russian]
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The Permanent Mission of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the United Nations in New York

Background information on Kazakhstan, its policy priorities and positions on issues which are on the agenda of the United Nations.
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World Legal Information Institute - Kazakhstan

Catalog and search facilities for over 500 databases from 55 countries including case-law, legislation, treaties, law reform reports, law journals, and other materials.
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IFES - Election Guide: Kazakhstan

Includes government overview, elections, news and links.
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Kazakhstan Embassies and Consulates

Contact and location information for all diplomatic and consular missions in Kazakhstan and all Kazakh diplomatic and consular representations abroad.
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Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Information on finance laws, regulatory acts and government internal financial control. [English, Kazakh, Russian]
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Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan

News and information including articles and statements, tourism, consular service, foreign embassies, regional security and conferences. [English, Kazakh, Russian]
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CIA - Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments: Kazakhstan

List of government officials and their titles, updated weekly. Also includes the head of the central bank, ambassadors to the United States and Permanent Representatives to the UN, New York.
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Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan

About the Agency, official reports, publications (on subscription).
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US Law Library of Congress - Kazakhstan

Annotated compendium of online sources providing access to primary documents, legal commentary and general government information about specific jurisdictions and topics.
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