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idmoz Regional Asia Hong Kong Health Conditions and Diseases

Conditions and Diseases Websites

This category lists sites that provide information on specific diseases or conditions.- Category ID : 110249
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Hong Kong Eating Disorders Centre

A website operated by the Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong to provide information on eating disorders.
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Depressed Little Prince

Describes depression, its diagnosis and its treatment, and provides resources for people seeking help.
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Viral Hepatitis Preventive Service

Provides information on different forms of hepatitis, and related guidelines and educational pamphlets.
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Hear Talk Foundation

Provides public education and elevates the standard of care of hearing and speech communicative disorders. Includes an introduction to its services and activities.
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Diabetes Hongkong

Provides an introduction to the association, current events, knowledge about diabetes, its prevention and treatment.
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Council for the AIDS Trust Fund

Provides assistance to HIV-infected haemophiliacs and generally strengthens medical and support services and public education on AIDS. Includes description of funding programmes, application forms and annual accounts.
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Know Hepatitis

An interactive quiz on hepatitis, created by Asiahep and The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
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The Virtual AIDS Office

Information on AIDS from the Department of Health, including treatment, prevention, and epidemiology.
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Hong Kong Cancer Registry

Records the incidence and mortality rates of cancer in Hong Kong.
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Cervical Screening Programme in Hong Kong

An organized screening programme to facilitate regular cervical smears for all women at risk of cervical cancer.
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Prevention of Avian Influenza

Provides information and news about avian influenza and the prevention thereof.
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