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Financial Services Websites

This category is for companies providing financial services with branches in at least three provinces of Armenia. Web sites of companies having branches only in one or two provinces should be submitted to the relevant category of the locality or province.- Category ID : 109056
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Armenian Card

A payment system based on plastic cards. Includes services, company structure and a list of member banks.
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ACRA Credit Reporting

Includes information about consumer and commercial credit reports, as well as a list of member banks and credit organizations.
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Farm Credit Armenia

Universal credit organization commercial cooperative.
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Investment company. Offers brokerage services and financial consulting.
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Universal credit organization offering loans to a wide portion of the population.
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Investment brokerage and consulting company.
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Youth Bank Armenia

Youth Bank committees consisting of five to seven young adults aged 16 to 25 manage a pool of small grants ranging from $300-500 each for youth-led community development projects.
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Union of Banks of Armenia

The Union is a non-commercial organization consisting of 21 commercial banks and its goal is to present the corporate interests of its members.
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PHP Partners

Specializing in accounting and tax services tailored to the needs of both Armenian and multinational companies doing business in Armenia.
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Kamurj Universal Credit Organization

Supports the economic and social well-being of low-income micro-entrepreneurs and their families in urban and rural areas.
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Company providing accounting, legal and consulting services.
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FINCA Universal Credit Organization

Features reports, a list of services, and information about shareholders and investors.
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Global Credit

A universal credit organization.
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Features Armenian currency exchange rates and economic news.
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Paradigma Armenia

A tax, accounting, consulting, as well as research company.
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German-Armenian Fund

Fund aims to provide support to the financial sector by channeling funds from external and internal sources to the development of defined sectors of economy.
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Capital Asset Management

Fund manager for investment and pension funds.
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First Mortgage Company

Private residential mortgage finance company.
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Offers information about the government bond market, bond auctions, yield curves, bond prices as well as a list of transactions.
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BDO Armenia

A public accounting firm offering audit, tax, outsourced accounting and advisory services.
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C-QUADRAT Ampega Asset Management

Offers pension funds and other asset management services.
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Amundi-ACBA Asset Management

Offer investment fund options for the mandatory pension.
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KPMG Armenia

Global network of professional services firms providing audit, tax and advisory services.
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