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Music Websites

Music is the art of arranging sounds in time so as to produce a continuous, unified, and evocative composition, as through melody, harmony, rhythm, and timbre. This category is home to sites containing travel resources and information on trips and tours specifically catering to the music enthusiast.- Category ID : 94401
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Organizes trips to musicals in Germany, England and Austria, including hotel and travel arrangements. [English/German]
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Panorama Tours

In Salzburg, based on the movie - The Sound of Music. Also has Mozart based city tours. [English/German]
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Pro Musica Tours

Performing arts tours around the world for opera, theater, dance and music enthusiasts. Group and educational tour options.
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Big Apple Jazz Tour

Music tours highlight excursions around New York City visiting Harlem, Greenwich Village, and area jazz clubs.
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American Classic Tours and Music Festivals

Music travel experiences are their sole focus, creating festivals and performing tours to meet the needs of schools, churches, community groups, and adult folk arts groups.
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Gower Music International

Tour operator that helps amateur performance groups with their choir tours, band tours or orchestra tours. Based near Stratford, England and specialises in European music tours.
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HAT Tours Ltd.

European opera tour itineraries for travel and holiday plans across Europe to music houses and performances. Contact information for the United States, Denmark, and England.
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Joe Fish Tours

Information about country music tours to Nashville, Memphis Denver, and Kentucky from the United Kingdom.
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Classical Movements, Inc.

Touring company specializing in music groups. Handles the needs of major symphony orchestras and choruses of all sizes.
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Charter Travel

Customized tours for singing groups, with venues in Great Briton, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. Sample itineraries.
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Individually arranged journeys for choirs and orchestras including opportunities to perform and get together with other choirs. Destinations worldwide, based in Germany.
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Stephen Ambrose Historical Tours

Offers specialized travel tours for music lovers in both North America and Europe.
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