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Picture Ratings Websites

Picture ratings sites typically allow visitors to view pictures and give a rating. The web site keeps tally of the ratings and the results are also displayed alongside the picture.

Some sites offer head-to-head ratings; where two or more images are displayed simultaneously and the user is required to select the best.

Other features often include a facility to add comments, contact the submitter and view a profile of the submitter, and lists of new, hot or ugly pictures.- Category ID : 92852

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Rate My Face

Includes listings of top 100 guys and girls. Registration and photo required to vote.
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Cute Meter

Users can submit their own photos to be ranked, see latest members or participate in the chat room. Who is cuter and 1 to 10 ranking.
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Users can rate photos of men or women and read submitted comments.
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Rank My Photos

Submit and rank photos on 1-10 scale, hot or not and a shootout mode. Has top ten or bottom ten ranked photos, and categories for men, women, couples, bikini shots, bare-chested men and cars.
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Users can view and rate snapshots of everyday life or upload their own.
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Rating My Looks .Com

Users can vote on photos of men and women or upload their own pictures and get them rated. Includes top ten lists for males and females.
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Rate more than 10 qualities of people all over the world.
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Member pictures and profiles. Discussion forum and chat. Search by sex or location.
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Rate My Face Off

A new twist on the old rating concept where two faces faceoff and a user votes for the favorite. [popups]
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Diggin You

Rate girls or guys. Top 10 lists for girls, guys and newest members.
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2 Rate Me

Rate pictures of guys and girls. Top 11 list.
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RealTimePass - Hot or Not

Indian based picture rating system where users can upload their picture and let others rate them.
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Rate My Tattoo

Rate photos of tattoos, classified by picture type.
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Rate My Pecs

Photographs of men showing off their chest muscles.
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Cast your vote for the hotter of 2 photos, or add your own to the ballot.
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Vote yes or no and leave a comment.
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A photo rating site with forums and detailed user profiles.
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Which of my pics?

Offers two photographs of the same person to choose between.
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Photographs of babies and children with a section for the top and bottom ranked photographs.
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Photographs can be voted on to judge a variety of things including piercings, tattoos and hair.

Subcategories under Picture Ratings 4

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