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Mice Websites

Sites about the keeping and breeding of mice as pets.

Sites covering mice and other rodents are listed in Recreation:Pets:Rodents.

- Category ID : 92825
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G.W. Deer Mouse Ranch

Photos and stories about the deer and white footed mice owned by Bucky Goldstein. Includes articles, care sheets and links.
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LEX Exotics

Specializing in breeding African dormice and pygmy mice, with information on pricing, and animals for adoption. Also has rodent caresheets.
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Owning Mice

Information on breeding, housing and caring for pet mice, includes a section on health and pictures.
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Mountain Air Mousery

Specialize in breeding pet quality fancy mice, aiming for sound temperament and wonderful pets.
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The Pet Mouse

Page on mice and pet mouse care instructions.
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Mice as pets

Article explains in detail some of the reasons that mice make good pets.
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Mice as Pets from

Information about keeping fancy mice as pets including choosing a pet mouse and the care of pet mice.
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The Friendly, Cost-Free, Catch & Release Mousetrap

Learn to assemble a non-lethal mousetrap using a toilet-paper tube and a wastebasket.
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Pet Mice

Contains articles on the many aspects of caring for a pet mouse including buying, feeding, housing, and health care.
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Heritage-Pets ( Canada)

Website of a small group of hobby breeders including information about a number of exotic species of mice.
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The Fun Mouse

Breeder based in WI in the United States. Breeds and shows pet fancy mice of many types. Contains extensive information about pet mice and a mousery database.
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Mousekateers Mousery

Fancy mouse breeder based in Australia. Specialises in shaded and marked mice in all coat varieties.
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What the Cat Dragged In Mousery

A small mousery specializing in standard fancy mouse types located in southern Indiana, United States. Contains pet mouse information and a forum.
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Fancy Mice Breeders Forum

A forum for mouse owners and breeders. Offers general discussion, information on health, breeding, shows and a classifieds section.
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