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Freshwater Websites

This category is for Freshwater fish websites. Please look through the sub-categories, to find the best place to submit your site, especially if it is a site specific to one type of fish.- Category ID : 92564
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Aquarium guide with access to plant and fish database and forums.
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The Krib

Articles, and archived usenet postings. Features Aquaria FAQ, and the Aquatic Plants Digest archives.
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Articles, FAQs, gallery, messageboard, tank of the month contest and links.
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Aquariums and More

Contains information about fish, plants, and caring for your aquatics.
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Beginners Tropical Aquarium

Information for beginners discusses water, feeding, breeding, and plants.
6 - Freshwater Aquariums

Species, beginner, do it yourself, and general information.
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Fresh Fish

Tank volume calculator.
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The Tropical Tank

Information and photos of fish, including some uncommon species, forum, library, and photos of tank setups.
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Our Simple Joys: Freshwater Aquaria

Articles on many beginner and advanced topics, tutorials, and digital photos.
10 - Fish

Provides a glossary, compatibility chart, disease information, conversion chart, and beginners guide.
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Offers information and pictures to assist with tropical fish questions.
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Tropical Fish Centre

Information on tropical fish species, intended to help beginners identify and care for their fish.
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Badmans Tropical Fish

Contains fish profiles, diseases, and photos.
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Bala Shark Bay Aquariums

Tips for beginners, information on the treatment of a few diseases, and information about the Bala Shark.
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Beginner Aquarist

Discusses the care of a tropical fish tank or Betta bowl. Also offers information on water quality and diseases.
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The FishBowl

Includes a care page for Bettas and a page about cycling. Forum and chat room.
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Tips and hints for successful fishkeeping.
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AC Tropical Fish

Features articles, forum, calculators, and a free freshwater aquarium E-book.
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Fishyou: Alternative Fishkeeping

Information on setting up an aquarium and maintaining it, with an emphasis on alternative methods of fishkeeping and water control.
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Tropical Freshwater Aquarium Fish

Species profiles, the essentials of water chemistry and nutrition, and a guide to fish health.
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Fish Tank Tutor

Offers tropical fish tank advice in simple terms. Includes set up, equipment, maintenance, aquatic plant and fish care information.
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Seriously Fish

A resource with tropical fish species profiles, articles and weblog posts, as well as an active community including a forum and club database.
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Aquaria - by Patrick Timlin

Provides species, lighting, and tank related information.

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