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idmoz Recreation Kites Personal Pages

Personal Pages Websites

Pages by, or about individual fliers.- Category ID : 87473
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Thomas-Michael Rudolph

Includes site with many plans, Information on Codys and German festivals.
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Napravnik, Andreas

Enthusiastic German flier and builder. Galleries of photos from many German festivals.
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Didier Ferment

Prolific French designer. Many attractive quad designs.
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Culp, Dave

Sailcraft research and development. High speed sailing development, kite powered sailcraft, links to the Amateur Yacht Research Society.
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Ian Newham

Designer of Blue Fish sport kites. Information on sport kite design, tips for newcomers and setting up a Revolution.
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Simo Salanne

Flyer and stunt kite designer from Finland.
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Ray Bethell

World champion multiple sport kite pilot.
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Masaaki Satoh

Designer and builder of Abu dako, Semi dako, Hachi dako.
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Philip Le Riche

The Virtual Kite Zoo - Descriptions, plans, pictures of many kite varieties, a FAQ in itself
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Roy Reed

Introduction to kite making and history. [Flash]
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Rob Scribner

Kiting pages of Rob Scribner, former captain of the Cutting Edge Kite Team.
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Kumthon Charungkitkul

A site dedicated to the kites of Thailand.
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Masami Takakuwa

Traditional Japanese kites, kite festivals in Japan, Japanese kite plans.
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Masayuki Mori

Japanese builder of bird kites.
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Kensei Kamiunten

Traditional Japanese kite builder.
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Iasao Ogawa

Japanese master of miniature kite building.
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Keizo Nakano

Third generation builder of Tsugaru kites.
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Heizo Itoh

Japanese master of Hamamatsu Kites.
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Tsutomu Hiroi

Maker of many kinds of creative kites since 1935.
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Ichizo Sagawa

Master of the Baramon kite.
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Katsutaka Murooka

Builder of modern Japanese kites and KAP enthusiast.
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Yukio Akiyama

Modern creative kites.
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Hiroshi Hayakawa

Byobu dako (folding screen kites).
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Yasuo Shimura

Traditionally painted Japanese Edo kites.
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Seiji Sudo

Master builder of the Sanjo Rokkaku, from Sanjo, Japan.
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Toshiharu Umeya

Japanese builder of modern kite trains.
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Kazue Tanaka

Tombi-style birds built from sooty bamboo and washi paper.
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Mikio Toki

Master builder of Edo kites.
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Toshiyuki Yoshikawa

Third generation traditional Tosa kite builder.
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Teruyuki Yabe and Yaeko Yabe

Modern kite train builders.
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Joanne Baker

Kites 4 Kids. Team Positive Lift of Melbourne, Australia. Aerial Displays, Festivals, School Workshops, Stunt Kite Exhibitions.
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Steve Surette

Canadian flier, his family and festivals.
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Gagnon, Daniel

Traction kite designer, using Foilmaker. [French]
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Mike Smathers

Single line kite builder.
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Glenn Davison - Kiting USA

A growing collection of resources related to miniature kite making and using kites in the classroom for educational purposes.
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Albosta, Andrew

Reports on 3 years of the Smithsonian and other festivals.
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Sam and Ann Ritter.

Stacked Revolutions and single line kites.
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Guidolin, David

Canadian two and four line flier. Toronto festival report.
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Hansberger, Don

Kite flying in New York.
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Ron Hardie

Information on kiting in the Vancouver, British Columbia area. Several photos from BCKA festivals.
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Robert Van Weers

New Zealand with pictures of his own creations and several plans.
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Red Baron Kite Team

Thijo van Beek makes Red Baron kites in Holland.
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Wardley, Andy

Kite flier, designer and movie maker. Known for freestyle and trick flying.
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Nick James

Kites designed by Nick James. Also workshop information, current projects and personal weblog.
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Kite weblog showcasing custom kites, builders plans, photos, videos and other information related to kites.
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Van Assen, Bart W.

The kite-flying Dutchman. Well travelled and published flier. [English and Dutch]
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Thyssen, Anthony

Kite Workshop where Anthony designs and builds unusual kite designs.
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Jeroen & Katrien - In2kites

Kite plans, festival calendar, and photo album.
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Tom Tinney

This page shows some of the miniature and one not so miniature kites made by Tom Tinney.
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