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Education Websites

Lists educational programs about wine.- Category ID : 86845
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Affairs of the Vine

California-based company offering seminars, corporate workshops, and a "Wine Boot Camp". Includes program descriptions, schedules, and many tasting notes.
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The Wine Diva

Educator and entertainer Christine Ansbacher offers customized tastings and seminars. Includes descriptions of popular seminars and contact information.
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Wine and Food Academy

Offers classes and tastings in and around London, UK. Includes course descriptions and schedules, reviews, and reports from trips to wine regions.
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International Wine Center

New York-based school offers classes and home study for accreditation by the Wine and Spirit Education Trust. Includes course descriptions and instructor profiles.
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Carolina Wine Club

Consumer-based organization offering classes and seminars in North Carolina. Describes the programs and includes profiles of the educators.
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The Wine School of Philadelphia

Offers single-session classes and certificate programs in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. Includes class descriptions, schedules, prices, and a newsletter.
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Chicago Wine School

An independent organization based in Chicago, Illinois. Features information on courses and seminars, including dates and pricing.
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Alberta Wine Institute

Offers International Sommelier Guild certificate classes in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Contains course listings and contact information.
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Manhattan Wine Seminars

Independent education and training company for corporations and individuals in New York City. Contains seminar and class descriptions along with a client list.
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The Frugal Oenophile

Offers educational guided tastings in Ontario. Contains tasting notes, a newsletter, and informative articles.
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Sommelier Society of America

The oldest wine teaching organization in the United States, located in New York City. Contains membership information, course descriptions, tasting notes from recent events, and job listings.
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NYC Wine Class

Former winemaker offers courses in New York City. Contains class descriptions and a company profile,
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Association of Wine Educators

Independent, professional educators in the United Kingdom offer courses, tastings, seminars, and holidays. Includes a member directory, event listings, and articles.
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Society of Wine Educators

Non-profit organization provides educators with professional and certification standards. Includes information about membership, certification programs, and an annual conference.
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The Wine Academy

Offers classes, including Wine and Spirit Education Trust certificate courses, and corporate entertainment. Describes services and gives a profile of the owner. Located in the United Kingdom.
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Offers courses and tastings, either customized or following the Wine and Spirit Education Trust syllabus. Includes descriptions of the courses and company. Based in the United Kingdom.
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