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Vintage Toys Websites

- Category ID : 86437
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Where the Toys Are

Antique and vintage toys from Victorian period to baby boomer collectibles including battery, character, dolls, action figures, and vehicles. Includes pictures.
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The history of the Golliwog from Florence Upton to the present day includes The Museum, a pictorial review, and the story of Robertsons preserves.
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Time Warp Toys and Collectibles

Offers early play items from 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s. Includes Beatles, Batman, TV, movie, cars, cowboys, space, and Worlds Fair. Includes pictures.
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This Old Toy

Provides information to collectors of Fisher Price toys from 1931 to present. Offers sales, and wanted list.
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Tinplate Toys for Collectors

Online collectors shop for tinplate clockwork toys.
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Tribute site to the original 1965 Wham-O Super Balls. Includes history, facts, pictures, and availability.
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MBCA - Mechanical Bank Collectors of America

Non-profit organization dedicated to expanding the knowledge and availability of antique mechanical banks. Includes history, and membership information.
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A private collection of vintage Marx Toys including Johnny West and friends.
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Ultraman Toy Collection

Features rare Ultraman vinyl Japan dolls. Includes details on where to find these toys. Provides information on "Japanese Toy and Model" magazine.
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Tick Tock Toys

Archives of vintage popular culture items such as toys, fast food and cereal premiums, cartoon characters and Disneyana.
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Par Puzzles

Puzzles past and present. Provides purchasing information as well as history.
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Wild West Toys

Vintage and reissue cap guns, toy guns and western toys.
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A.Z. Plerp Company

Website dedicated to collectors and fans of the 1960s Jumble-Fits / Cluster Puzzle series of puzzles.
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Mooseman Live Steam Toys

Collectors site containing information and pictures pertaining to the operation, restoration and collecting of vintage live steam toys.
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Wisma Antik

Dealing in vintage tin toys, porcelain dolls, antique advertising, and other collectable items from around the world.
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The Naff Gift Shop

Online shop with cool and retro toys and other kitsch items.
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Australian Viewmaster and 3D Page

Photos and history of ViewMaster, SightSeer, PhotoScope and other stereoscopic 3D items from Australia and around the world. Includes lists of viewers and reels as well as items for sale or trade.
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