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idmoz Recreation Collecting Toys Toy Soldiers and Figures

Toy Soldiers and Figures Websites

Information about collecting toy soldiers and related civilian figures and animals is the focus of this category. These figures are often but not always to scale, and have been in production by various manufacturers for centuries. While most figures can be used for gaming, you will find smaller scale gaming miniatures in the related Miniatures category. Retailers of figures may be found in the Shopping subcategory.

- Category ID : 86434
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Collecting Toy Soldiers

Personal page and resource for collectors of old toy soldiers manufactured worldwide including medieval, composition, world war, wild west, and Napoleonic.
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The Toy Soldier

Features tips for display and gallery. Pennsylvania dealer with a local shop, no online sales.
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Flats - Zinnfiguren

Specializes in information about tin flat figures including galleries of painted flats, galleries of artwork depicting uniforms, collector reference information, manufacturers, and links.
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The Army Men Homepage

Personal page focusing on army men, cowboys and indians, knights, and spacemen. With free battle game rules.
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Includes links and a gallery of boxed sets of plastic soldiers.
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Playset Addict

Features the diorama photography of Joe Baker.
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Richard Lewis The Zooman

Collection includes lead, plastic and composition zoo animals of British, German, Danish and French manufacturers from multiple eras.
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Toy Soldier Gallery

An online gallery featuring Hausser, Elastolin, and Lineol composition series.
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Collection of toy soldiers in Medieval, Renaissance, 18th Century Wars, Napoleonic Wars, 19th Century Colonial Wars, and U.S. Civil War dioramas hand painted by military historian Joseph Carvalho III.
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Flickr: Plastic Toy Soldier

This group is intended to be focused on plastic toy soldiers, excluding expensive collectibles, articulated ones or military goodies. Image gallery for collectors and fans.

Subcategories under Toy Soldiers and Figures 2

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