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Europe Websites

- Category ID : 86043
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Il Marengo

Catalogs of Lira and Euro coins of Italy, San Marino and Vatican City, with history, images, and characteristics.
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Odessa Numismatic Museum

Spacious collection of antic coins from the Northern Black Sea Region
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Numismatic Approach

A collection of demonetized and current coins coming from France, Great-Britain, Italy. (more than 400 pictures). How to recognize metals coins are made with, where do coins can be found.
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Irish Coinage

History of Irish Coinage with a catalog and high resolution pictures.
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Greek Currency Directory

Includes more than 250 photos of Greek coins and banknotes from 1828 to present. Full descriptions, brief history, links, and trading option.
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Romanian and Hungarian Coin and Paper Money Catalogue

Online catalogue for Romanian and Hungarian coins and currency.
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Hryvnia - The New Official Currency of Ukraine

Collector site about the new currency of Ukraine including currency conversion information and images.
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Finnish coins

Collector site about Finnish coins by a Finnish collector.
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Ingemars Swedish Coin Site

Swedish site about Swedish coins and numismatics.
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The francs

Francs and euro coins of Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Monaco and Switzerland. History and images of the coins of the five countries.
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Counterfeit One Pound Coin Examples

A three part guide to spotting counterfeit British one pound coins with example scans.
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Coin Gallery

Effigies of Charles V, his family and some contemporaries. Includes images information by city and country.
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Romanian Coins

Pictures of a majority of Romanian coins complete with scientifically correct information about Romanian numismatics.
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Coinage of Baltic Countries

The historical overview of coins, minted or used in Baltic countries since 13th century.
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Ukrainian Banknotes and Coins

Information on banknotes and coins by the National Bank of Ukraine.
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The Maria Theresia Taler 1780

Provides information including history, description of variants, strike dates, valuation list, medals, and forgeries.

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