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Massachusetts Websites

- Category ID : 85480
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Plum Island Hawk Watch

Spring migration results and panoramic photos.
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Massachusetts Birding Links

Overview of Massachusetts birding and excellent list of links.
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Real Birds: Birding in Massachusetts

Transcripts of the Eastern Mass, Western Mass, and Cape Cod rare bird alerts.
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Discussions of birds and birding in Massachusetts and southern New England. Unmoderated posts but supervised reports, discussion.
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OnLocation: Springtime in Boston

Virtual tour of Mount Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge in search of migrating songbirds.
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Sights and sounds of a pair of Barred Owls nesting in Massachusetts, plus nest box building instructions and photos of the Great Gray Owl in Rowley.
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OnLocation: Cape Cod Shorebird Migration

Virtual tour of Monomoy NWR on Cape Cod in search of 3 species of godwits and other shorebirds.
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Natural Raptor Association

Hawk watch results, articles, and photos.
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Birding Break: Monomoy NWR, Chatham

Virtual tour of Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge on Cape Cod in search of shorebirds during autumn migration.
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Boston Birding

A personal site about birding in the metro area. Photos, lists, and links.
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Screech Owl Webcam

Monitors two eastern screech owl nest boxes in Mendon, MA. Also bird carvings and nature photography by Jim Podsiadlo.
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Hampshire Bird Club

Based in Amherst. Field trips, photos, news, and programs.
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Adventures in New England Birdwatching

Weblog from a novice birdwatcher beginning her journey to becoming a true birder. Pictures of Massachusetts birds and information on hiking in New England.
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For The Birds Board

A message board for the sharing of information on birding and related topics, such as photography, optics, books, feeding, and identification problems. Also has live chat.
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Cape Cod Bird Club

For those interested in the protection and conservation of the bird life and natural resources of Cape Cod. Walks, field trips, meetings, newsletters, events and annual Cape Cod Bird Festival..
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Athol Bird and Nature Club

Events, bird count results, trip reports, and Millers River Environmental Center.
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Brookline Bird Club

Oldest and largest birding club in Massachusetts. Field trips, trip reports, photos, and guide to local hotspots.
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South Shore Bird Club

Field trips, programs, and rare bird alert.
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