Chronicling the financial struggles of a family as they strive to make improvements to their financial situation in order to escape from debt, this site provides articles and resources valuable to others in similar situations.
Dedicated to promoting financial responsibility. Provides articles, tips and tricks for saving money, earning income online, and making prudent fiscal choices in day-to-day life.
Changing your lifestyle and outlook is the true key to getting a grip on your personal finances. See how one man sold his stuff, is paying off his debt, and is now doing what he loves and how you can too.
With a focus on retirement planning, financial goals and budgeting you’ll find information on a variety of finance topics based around personal experience.
A blog dealing with the topics of money management, investing and life balance. Helping visitors to balance everything from their money and career to parenting and health.
A personal finance blog devoted to making sense of seemingly complex yet ultimately simple personal finance dilemmas faced by the average individual or family.
A personal finance blog that offers experiences, tips, and ideas to live the frugal decandent life. Save money, experience life, and share your frugal confessions with a like-minded community.
A weblog about personal finance that includes tools to compare prices and interest rates between different options in credit cards, savings accounts and certificates of deposit.
A personal finance blog covering topics like debt and frugality. The author claims he saves half of his income and describes himself as a "geek about money".
A weblog by an anonymous man documenting his journey to becoming a millionaire. The author explains how he manages his financial portfolio and what he does to grow his net worth.
A blog dedicated to helping people to manage their money wisely by providing suggestions on how to save money, earn money, invest, and budget. The goal is to help people to become financially free.
This blog claims to offer a step-by-step process for completely automating your personal finances, from saving and investing to budgeting and paying bills.