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Wildflowers Websites

Sites that specialize or have part of their content dedicated to the cultivation of wildflowers. Sites with images of plants in the wild and no gardening content are listed under Recreation/Outdoors/Wildlife/Plants. Sites with scientific information about specific plants are listed under Science/Biology/Flora_and_Fauna/Plantae.- Category ID : 83168
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Wildflowers in Bloom

The Texas Agricultural Extension Service offers a pictorial resource of wildflower information.
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Prairie Frontier

Wildflower and prairie grass seed information including photos, cultural guides, and planting instructions.
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Prairie Restorations, Inc.

Description and benefits of a native landscapes: prairies, savannas, wetlands, and woodlands, and how to establish a prairie.
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WiseAcre Gardens

Photo gallery of perennials and wildflowers with references.
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Texas Star

Dedicated to the cultivation and propagation of Texas native plants and wild flowers, sharing information and spreading the word about conservation.
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Georgia native plant enthusiasts blog about native plants, habitat restoration, propagation of native plants, and wildlife, with lots of photos of flora and fauna.
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Beautiful Britain - Wild Flower Garden

Information on gardening for the benefit of wildlife, pond gardening, canals, and the picture of the week.
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Native Plants for a California Garden

Enter information on a form to find native plants suitable to California garden and landscape design.
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Native Plants in the Landscape Conference

Event held annually in Millersville, Pennsylvania, aiming to increase the cultivation and use of native plants in the Mid-Atlantic and New England regions. Program, native plant FAQ, vendor and registration information.
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Wildflower Identification

A tool to identify wildflowers by answering questions such as number of petals, color, size of bloom and type of leaves.
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Native Plant Information Network

Online resource for North American native plant gardening resources from the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.
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Texas Bluebonnets - Texas Pride

Covers the history of choosing the state flower of Texas, cultivation pointers, lore, and research in progress.
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André Bluemel Meadow

Describes a meadow in Virginia maintained by the American Horticultural Society. Overview of native plants used, wildlife, and information about sustainability and controlled burns.
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Growing Wildflowers

Natural Life Magazine article by Wendy Priesnitz. Creating a wildflower meadow.
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