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Trees Websites

- Category ID : 83152
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English Oak Trees

Natural history of English Oaks (Quercus robur), their life, conservation and woodland restoration. How to obtain acorns from old oak trees by mail order.
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State and Provincial Trees

A list of official state and provincial trees of all 50 U.S. states and 13 Canadian provinces and territories including both common and scientific names and images of official flags.
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Arnold Arboretum

The Arnold Arboretum is a research and educational institution. It manages a collection of hardy trees, shrubs, and vines located in Boston, Massachusetts and associated herbarium and library collections.
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How to Grow and Maintain Birch Trees

Learn how to care for a birch tree, including selecting the correct site and type of birch, watering, fertilizing, mulching, and monitoring for problems.
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Collier Arbor Care

Tree, shrub and turf information, IPM practices, insect and disease articles, tree care information, annual garden calendar.
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Source of information regarding tree and shrub care including how-to articles, species profiles, insect and disease information and other features.
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Oak Wilt Treatment and Prevention

Specializing in the analysis, prevention and treatment of oak wilt using Alamo fungicide and root trenching. Offers free consultation, cedar clearing, dead tree removal, and replanting services.
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Trees of the Pacific Northwest

An identification guide to conifers of the Pacific Northwest provided by Oregon State University.
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Flowering Trees

Articles on flowering trees used in landscaping, including weeping trees, saucer magnolias, dogwoods and crape myrtles. Each illustrated article spans several pages.
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West Coast Native Tree ID

A dichotomous key to identify trees native to the West coast of the United States. Includes photos and information on these trees.
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Betula lenta

Uses, cultivation and description for this tree, commonly known as cherry birch, sweet birch, or black birch.
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Tree Trail

Contains descriptions of rare trees native to the Eastern United States, and provides information about growing them on private property.
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Monthly Tree Tips

Monthly guide to caring for trees from the Massachusetts Arborists Association, including a featured tree for each month.
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What tree is it?

Provides a few simple methods to quickly identify any unknown tree.
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Information on many aspects of tree care. Includes an advice forum and help finding a tree surgeon in the UK.
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Cotinus Obovatus: Smoke Tree

Home gardener compares the varieties he grows, with photos of various stages of growth.
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Tree Notes

Weblog related to native trees of North America, especially Kentucky.
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Better Homes and Gardens: Trees in the Landscape

Portal collecting a variety of short articles about gardening with trees.
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NC State University: Tree Information

Collection of factsheets on a variety of tree species, including scientific names, growing zones and maintenance.
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Alliance For Community Trees

US movement to support urban and community forestry: planting and caring for trees in cities and towns. Includes news, forums, regional resource listings, and educational materials.
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Ice Damage On Trees

Heavy accumulations of snow and ice can cause major structural damage to trees and shrubs. The damaged limbs should be properly removed. The following links will provide a guide for homeowners seeking to repair damaged plant material.U.of Illinois
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The Trees of Reed College

Offers photographs and descriptions for a variety of trees that can be found on the campus of Reed College in Portland, Oregon. Visitors can identify trees by location or find the location of examples of a certain kind of tree.
23 - Tree Encyclopedia

Explore over 400 species of trees and shrubs, arranged by their botanical family, via diagnostic photographs and descriptive articles.

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