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Iris Websites

Sites about the garden cultivation of plants of the genus Iris. These are perennials, growing from rootstocks or corms.- Category ID : 82994
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Thomas and Christina Tamberg

Renowned breeders of Iris interspecies crosses and daylilies present personal notes, information on breeding, and seedling photos.
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Resources, links, information and news about the Iris.
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Dividing Irises

Directions for moving and increasing iris plantings.
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Iris Forum

Message board focusing on garden irises.
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North American Native Iris

Information regarding native irises.
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The Iris

The history and legend of the iris and the fleur-de-lis.
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The Irises of Shadowood

Photos and registration data for over 500 bearded and beardless irises, FAQ, and catalog.
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Heritage Irises in New Zealand

Blog about growing irises featuring New Zealand raised varieties, especially those of Jean Stevens.
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Presby Memorial Iris Gardens

Volunteer-run garden entirely dedicated to irises in Montclair, New Jersey. Site offers bloom status and iris cultivation information.
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Site features Japanese Iris photos and articles on hybridized Irises and seedlings. Planting and seed raising information.
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Brighton Park Irises

A history of Schreiner’s Iris Gardens, and photos of a private iris garden in Chicago.
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Irises and Archives

Pacific Coast Irises and other garden articles
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Height and spread, growth rate, problems, and landscape uses. Includes information on types, species, and cultivars.
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Bearded Irises

Bearded irises as a low maintenance garden plant.
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Cubits Iris Forum

Members discuss the growing and hybridization of all classes of irises. Includes specialized forums for photos, trading, and events. Must join to read and participate.
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Yahoo Groups: Iris-Photos

Online community for the exchange of photos of irises and associated subjects, people, and shows. Must sign up as member to read and participate.
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Yahoo Groups: Iris-Species

Community for discussing cultivation of the various iris species, with a focus on the original species. This is the electronic meeting place of the Species Iris Group of North America (SIGNA), but open to non-members as well.
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