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Weblogs Websites

Weblogs written by and for mothers. Should be focused on the lives of mothers, issues surrounding motherhood, and/or resources and information for mothers.- Category ID : 82575
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Dead Bug

Written by a woman, age 35, trying to get pregnant.
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Manic Mommies

Erin and Kristin are working moms trying to balance careers, kids, husbands, and life.
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An online magazine whose name was inspired by the song, "Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered." Edited by a mother of twins, journalist Diana Day.
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Better parenting through coffee.
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Mom Writes

Mary Tsao is a stay-at-home Mother who lives in Silicon Valley with her engineer husband and their two toddlers.
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Woulda Coulda Shoulda

Mir is trying to figure out what she wants to be when she grows up-despite already being a divorced 30-something with two small, demanding creatures underfoot.
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Covered in Drool

Journey through first-time motherhood. An insight into sleepless nights, amazing smells and worry.
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Motherhood Uncensored

Now with more nuts.
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The weblog of Wacky Mommy, including her Friday Advice Column for Wacky Mothers and Others, the Tuesday Recipe Club, and frequent postings about the wacky world of motherhood.
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Mom is Nutz

Personal weblog from a Mother in Georgia.
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The Natural Mommy

A Christian mother, environmentalist and believer in attachment parenting talks about her children and her life.
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From the Cheap Seats

She writes about life as a mom, wife, teacher, and everyday citizen with a sense of humor and a healthy dose of reality.
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Earnest Parenting

Personal weblog of a homeschooling mother of four boys, focusing on solving discipline problems and building loving homes.
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moms crazy life

A very opinionated site regarding mothers and working mothers. Advice given as well as some insight on certain subjects.
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Teaching Two

Resources & thoughts from a stay at home mother & teacher.
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Crunchy Domestic Goddess

Personal reflections, post compilations, and research on natural parenting, including breastfeeding, homebirthing, and organic living.
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A blog about motherhood in Alaska, with a focus on crafts, recipes, writing, and giveaways.
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Humorous personal essays and some journaling on parenting and motherhood.
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Almost Somewhat Positive

Weblog by a mother who is "changing [her] pessimistic point of view, one positive thought at a time."
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Crunchy Carpets

Helps with parenting school age children and health, education, and physical activity.
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Mama Needs a Cosmo

Humorous journal-style weblog by working mother, Kathleen B. Lancaster.
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Her Bad Mother

Bad is the new good. A Mother in Toronto, Ontario.
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Scary Mommy

Personal weblog with a humorous style. Also features blogging tips.
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Elementary Spirits

Mom blogger discusses homeschooling and everyday life raising two boys, one with special needs. Product reviews and giveaways.
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Helping Moms Connect

Blog dedicated to connecting moms with resources such as reviews, deals, coupons, recipes and parenting advice.
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Imparting Grace

Richella shares her life as a mother and focuses on a spiritual perspective. She tries to leave a feeling of hope and encouragement in every post.
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A Mom Knows

Articles written by moms about their interests. Subjects include: travel, cooking, parenting, products reviews, money, shopping, and home.
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Time to Make the Brownies

Adventures in motherhood, childhood and the serious business of growing up..
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A Modern Mother

Living in London, married to the Scot, with three children and off the corporate ladder.
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Everything Birth Blog

Parenting advice, Midwifery,
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Mother Musing

A mother’s blog about the daily rants of raising two kids and running her own company.
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Metropolitan Mama

Helps moms as they travel along the stages of life: baby, toddler, kid, and beyond.
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Life With Heathens

A humorous take on the life of a homeschooling mom with cancer, her three heathens, one screwy cat, and sometimes that hubby guy too.
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A diary to keep every happy, funny and precious moment.
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Suburban Turmoil

Combine a two-year-old daughter, 15 and 13-year-old stepdaughters, an alpha male husband, a braying beagle, a bunch of annoying neighbors and a 30-year-old woman trying to make them all happy and look damn good in the process.
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Mabel and Riv

A mom, a California girl living in a Midwest world, writes about her life and her three boys with autism.
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Maria Melee

Humor, essays, and shenanigans from the mom of two boys.
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Mama Smiles

Provides parenting tips, crafts and family activities to make the most of everyday family life through creativity, learning and play. From a California mom in the Bay Area. life as the mother of three young, craft-loving children.
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