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Twins Websites
If you are a twin, the parents of twins or surviving twins and you have info on your family, submit your site here.- Category ID : 82534
1 - Poole Family
Meet twins Tanis and Taylor, enjoy pictures, movies and links to other family members on the net.
2 - Seth and Trey
Visit mom Nicole, son Xavier and twin sons Seth and Trey (2/26/99). Lots of information on the family, and Trey who has cerebral palsy.
3 - Glik Family
All about life with twin boys. Personal pages, memorial, family information.
5 - Staude Twins
Daily photo project of twin brothers Sven and Tobias Staude. Watch the twins physical change as time passes, day by day. [German and English]
7 - Howard Tribe
Read about Ishai and his younger twin sisters - Natalie and Shelley Howard. Includes funny and thought provoking daily entries.