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Publications Websites

Published journals, including trade journals, research journals, textbooks, and other printed media related to the profession of audiology.- Category ID : 79931
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Ear and Hearing

Official journal of the American Auditory Society.
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Hearing Review

Hearing Health trade journal, view articles online.
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Audiology Net

Audiology and hearing healthcare informational web site.
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Advance for Audiologists

Offers content relevant to audiologists, including job listings, industry news, practice management, new treatments, marketing, regulatory information and salary surveys.
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Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education

Peer-reviewed scholarly journal publishing articles on basic and applied research relating to individuals who are deaf. Contents of current issue, subscription information and archive of past articles and abstracts.
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Audiology Online

Provides audiology information for professionals. Includes news, information, features, careers, classified ads, courses, schools, equipment reviews and an e-newsletter.
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Journal of the American Academy of Audiology

Scholarly peer-reviewed publication, issued ten times per year and available to Academy members and subscribers.
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Audiology Today

Full-color, bimonthly magazine specifically for audiologists. Topics covered include clinical activities, hearing research, current events, news items and professional issues.
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Journal of the Academy of Rehabilitative Audiology

Peer-reviewed journal published annually. Includes information on submitting manuscripts and on accessing archive editions.
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Advance for Audiologists

Online magazine for audiologists who fit or deal with hearing aids and assistive listening devices. Includes information on products, jobs, events, education and multimedia resources.
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Advance for Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists

Bi-weekly magazine with information on research, technologies, jobs, news and practice management.
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Audiology and Neurotology

Independent journal published by Karger covering the science of hearing and balance. Includes information on content, aims, scope and subscribing.
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