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Publications Websites

- Category ID : 78453
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The National Psychologist

An independent monthly newspaper for practitioners in psychology and behavioral healthcare, featuring timely news and resources.
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The APA Monitor

The monthly newspaper of the American Psychological Association.
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Counselor: Magazine for Addiction Professionals

Offers online continuing education, article archives subscription deals, and article submission guidelines.
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The Massachusetts Psychologist

Online magazine for psychologists in Massachusetts.
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Psychosomaticism Abstract

Thesis focusing on the relationships between culture, belief, and health.
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Expert Consensus Guidelines

Psychiatric treatment guidelines for the most difficult questions facing clinicians.
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Wellness Reproductions and Publishing, Inc.

Develops and distributes books, videos, audios, games and posters for therapists, counselors, educators and other mental health professionals.
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American Journal of Psychotherapy

Presents an overview of the psychotherapies, offering a host of techniques and psychological modalities.
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Reinforcing Behaviour Therapy

Abstract on behavior therapy, positive and negative reinforcements, and learning or conditioning.
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Social Work Today Magazine

National biweekly newsmagazine committed to enhancing the entire social work profession by exploring its difficult issues, new challenges, proud past, and current successes.
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The Carlat Report

An eight-page monthly newsletter that provides clinically relevant, unbiased information on psychiatric practice and psychotropic medications.
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American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry

The official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.
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Searchable index containing hundreds of online psychology and social science journals.
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Featuring interviews, articles, humor, book reviews, and videotapes.
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Evidence-Based Mental Health

To alert clinicians working in the field of mental health to important and clinically relevant advances in treatment, diagnosis, aetiology, prognosis/outcome research, quality improvement, continuing education, economic evaluation, and qualitative research.
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New Therapist Magazine

A subscription-based magazine for mental health therapists.
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APA Journals

The official site for American Psychological Association journals. Select by topic or by journal name to view the table of contents and article abstracts for past and present issues.
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