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Personal Pages Websites

Individual homepages of mental health professionals, including psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors, family therapists, and social workers.- Category ID : 78452
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Ofer Zur

Information for the general public as well as fellow therapists.
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Gergen, Kenneth

Offers his CV, and his books.
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Bamberg, Michael

Biography, research and publications of this clinical psychologist.
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Fenichel, Michael

"Dr.Mike" Fenichel offers psychology information for students, parents, educators and mental health professionals. Photography exhibits and an annotated Internet guide.
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Dr. Leigh M. Baker

Dr Baker provides resources to learn more about child sexual abuse including her publications and the Trauma Treatment Center.
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Fox, Dennis

Offers information from critical perspective on psychology, legal ramifications, and suggested reading.
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Practical Psychology for Capable People

Dr. Neill Neill, psychologist and author, presents his original articles and commentary on a wide variety of practical psychology topics, including addictions, relationships, grieving and parenting.
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Eric Bellman LCSW

Learn about the use of the Bellman Syndrome, a treatment of Borderline Personality, chronic pain and pain pill addiction interactions in an effective multivariate approach. Gives examples and cases and diagrams.
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Larry A. Nadig, Ph.D.

Retired psychologist and family therapist, provides tips, principles and guidelines on communication, relationships and effective living.
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Kenneth S. Pope, Ph.D.

Articles, research data, guides, and other resources on topics including forensic assessment, sex abuse, ethics, malpractice, supervision, psychological science and pseudoscience, and memory.
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Jeffrey A. Schaler, Ph.D.

Various writings, course syllabi, and book information.
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Leon Pereira PhD, Clinical and Behavioral Psychologist

Mental health related information and tips from a Kaneohe, Hawaii-based professor. Also relationship information and courses.
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