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Associations Websites

- Category ID : 77390
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The Society For Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology

Provides a forum for discussion of problems unique to the peripartum period. SOAP is comprised of anesthesiologists, obstetricians, pediatricians and basic scientists who share an interest in the care of the pregnant patient and the newborn.
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American Academy of Anesthesiologist Assistants

Information about anesthesiologist assistants, their work characteristics, educational programs, accreditation, certification, and jobs available.
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Society for Pediatric Anesthesia

SPA fosters quality in anesthesia and perioperative care, and to alleviate pain in children.
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American Society of Anesthesiologists

Nonprofit U.S. medical association.
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Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists

The SCA is an international organization that promotes excellence in clinical care, education, and research in the subspecialty.
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California Society of Anesthesiologists

A physician organization dedicated to promoting the highest standards of the profession of anesthesiology and to serving as an advocate for anesthesiologists and their patients.
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National Board of Anesthesiology

Examines the fully trained dental anesthesiologist who has comleted an ACGME accredited program, and is working as a general dental anesthesiologist in a hospital setting.
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New York State Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc.

Membership information, history, news, speakers bureau, legislative news, and meeting dates.
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Florida Society of Anesthesiologists

A physician organization devoted to patient safety and the advocacy of anesthesiologists in Florida.
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Texas Society of Anesthesiologists

A physician organization devoted to patient safety and the interests of Texas anesthesiologists.
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American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine

Promotes and sponsors courses and workshops to disseminate information on the techniques of regional anesthesia.
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Society of Neurosurgical Anesthesia and Critical Care

An organization dedicated to improving the art and science of neurosurgical anesthesia, and the care of the critically ill, neurologically impaired patient.
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Virginia Society of Anesthesiologists

Society representing anesthesiologists of Virginia
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The American Board of Anesthesiology

Examines and certifies physicians who complete an accredited program of anesthesiology training in the United States and voluntarily apply for certification.
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Anesthetists for the Safe Administration of Propofol

Raises awareness on the insurance industry’s decision to discontinue anesthesia reimbursement for GI procedures, and advocates for the profession and quality of care of patients. Details about the ASAP, the issue, and payor policies.
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Society for Education in Anesthesiology

SEA is a non-profit educational organization for anesthesiology educators who desire to improve their skills in anesthesia education. Includes member information, a journal and contact details.
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