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Treatment Websites

For sites dedicated to the treatment and care of epilepsy.- Category ID : 76502
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Florida Comprehensive Epilepsy and Seizure Disorders Center

Patient information as well as details about the center and its services. Special services are available for registered patients.
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University of Washington Regional Epilepsy Center

Offers comprehensive inpatient and outpatient treatment for seizure disorders.
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Designs, develops and markets implantable medical devices including the Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS Therapy) System for the treatment of partial-onset seizures and other debilitating neurological disorders.
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Pediatric Neurology of Hudson Valley, P.L.L.C.

The practice of Dr. Ariel Sherbany offers diagnosis and treatment using the latest neurological innovations including epilepsy monitoring.
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David Lewis Centre for Epilepsy

Care for adults and children suffering from severe epilepsy and associated problems. Services are available to clients from all parts of Britain and abroad.
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MINCEP Epilepsy Care

Offers comprehensive epilepsy evaluation, treatment, research and education. Located in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
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The New York University Comprehensive Epilepsy Center

Offers testing, evaluation, screening, treatment, drug trials, alternative therapies and surgical intervention for children, adolescents, and adults with all forms of epilepsy.
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Surgical Epilepsy Center at University of Pittsburgh

Read about surgical techniques for the cure and treatment of adults and children with seizure disorders.
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Froedtert & The Medical College of Wisconsin: Comprehensive Epilepsy Program

Located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and providing long-term monitoring and surgical treatment of epilepsy.
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Epilepsy Service at Massachusetts General Hospital

Offers patients with epilepsy and related disorders evaluation and management with clinical services, clinical and basic research and medical education. Boston.
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Johns Hopkins Epilepsy Center

An accredited center by the National Association of Epilepsy Centers. Offers diagnoses and treatment for all ages. Includes types of epilepsy and treatments.
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Epilepsy Institute of North Carolina

Serving the neurological needs of Winston-Salem and surrounding communities.
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Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center: Comprehensive Epilepsy Center

Resources on epilepsy and treatment, including surgery. Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
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Columbia Comprehensive Epilepsy Center

Dedicated to the care of people with epilepsy. The center offers medical and surgical treatment for the management of epilepsy in adults and children.
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