This category is made up of professional organizations with practitioner members that support animal health related issues using alternatives to the western scientific/medicine (allopathic) remedies, including acupuncture, herbs, aromatherapy, oriental medicine, folk medicine, homeopathy, massage therapy, energy work, magnetic therapy, laser therapy, flower essence therapy, etc. This category is intended for educative, service-oriented, non-commercial sites (although commercial sites with valuable educative content will be considered).- Category ID : 74905
List of Professional_Organizations Sites5 Websites
Organization of veterinarians to support holistic, complementary and alternative veterinary medicine and natural healing for pets and animals, including chiropractic, homeopathy, acupuncture and nutritional therapy. Directory of United States and Canada member holistic veterinarians.
IAATH brings together complementary and alternative animal healers and promotes the concept of concurrent care, where traditional and complementary practitioners cooperate in providing care for animals.
HATO represents animal therapists in Australia employing healing methods to address the whole animal on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Includes details of members and FAQ.
Sub group of the South African Veterinary Association. Aims to provide vets with access to further education in complementary therapies and to maintain a high standard of knowledge and practice of these therapies.
AVCA aims to promote animal chiropractic to professionals and the public. Includes news, details of events and help to find certified practitioners in your area.