This category explores physical therapy and rehabilitation in animals, including hydrotherapy and passive exercise. It is intended for educative, service-oriented, non-commercial sites, although commercial sites with valuable educative content will be considered.- Category ID : 74901
Dr. Laurie McCauley runs an advanced veterinary rehab facility, with hydro-treadmill therapy geared specifically to dogs, therapeutic ultrasound, cryotherapy, neuromuscular stimulation, acupuncture, and animal chiropractic, its primary purpose to speed pet recovery while minimizing pain.
Offers a range of canine physical therapy services including advice on caring for your dog after injury and designing a personal plan to continue rehabilitation at home. [Warren, NJ]
Susanna Grady provides physiotherapy and physical treatment for horses and dogs in their home environment. Provides information on the therapist, the conditions treated, case studies and testimonials. Essex, UK.
Elizabeth Pigot is a chartered veterinary physiotherapist based in Dorset, UK, specialising in the treatment of soft tissue, orthopaedic and neurological problems in dogs, horses and other animals.