This category is made up of topics that explore health related issues using alternatives to the western scientific/medicine (allopathic) remedies in the dog. Topics found here may include acupuncture, herbs, aromatherapy, oriental medicine, folk medicine, homeopathy, massage therapy, energy work, magnetic therapy, laser therapy, flower essence therapy, etc. This category is intended for educative, service-oriented, non-commercial sites (although commercial sites with valuable educative content will be considered).- Category ID : 74874
Whole Dog Journal features natural care, diet and training advice, information about complementary therapies like chiropractic, massage, acupuncture, and homeopathy, as well as testing, review and evaluation of products.
Learn how yoga techniques can assist you in training and communicating with your dog. Attention, intention and posture are powerful modes of communication for a compassionate pack leader. Locations in Renton and Auburn, Washington.
Complimentary rehabilitation centre for dogs located in Norfolk, UK, offering hydrotherapy, physiotherapy, acupuncture, McTimoney therapy, TTouch, nutrition, exercise and lifestyle management advice.
Offers myofunctional massage therapy, Bowen therapy, craniosacral therapy and Reiki for dogs and cat, servicing Melbourne, Australia. Mobile service available.