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United States Websites

For individuals or companies teaching the Alexander Technique in the United States.- Category ID : 74309
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Private and group classes with Kate Kobak in New York City.
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The Alexander Learning Studio of Portland, Oregon

Lessons with Christine Eidson, AmSAT certified teacher.
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Alexander Technique

Lessons with Stephanie Segers, certified teacher in Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
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The Alexander Technique

Lessons, classes and dressage workshops with Constance Clare, AmSAT certified teacher. Based in Oakland, California.
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The Alexander Technique

Teacher in Newton, Massachusetts provides brief descriptions and information on how it is taught as well as useful links.
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Alexander Technique Center

Lessons and classes in Washington D.C. with Marian Goldberg, certified teacher.
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Alexander Technique Center for Performance and Development

Lessons and classes with Tom Vasiliades, certified teacher, in New York City.
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Alexander Technique, Ergonomics and Performance

Dory Steinmetz offers classes in Santa Monica, California, with FAQ and suggested applications.
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Alexander Technique NYC

Alexander Technique classes in New York by Leland Vall, certified instructor.
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Alexander Technique in Newton, MA

Private practice of Jill Geiger, certified by AmSAT and STAT.
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Alexander Technique Pittsburgh

Lessons, classes, and workshops with Lonna Wilkerson and Lisa Levinson. Features photographs, FAQ, class schedules, and biographies.
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Alexander Technique San Francisco

Fumi Sasa offers classes in California, New Mexico, and Japan, with program details and testimonials.
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Alexander Technique Studio

Lessons with Dana Ben-Yehuda in Mountain View, California.
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Alexander Technique Teachers of Greater Washington

A coalition of instructors in the District of Columbia, USA. Includes state lists and workshop details.
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Alexander Techworks

Jean-Louis Rodrigue and Kristof Konrad offer private and group classes in Los Angeles. Includes background information and contact details.
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The American Center for the Alexander Technique, Inc

Training center for teachers in New York City.
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Ariel Weiss Holyst

Classes in Philadelphia and Morton, Pennsylvania. Includes biography and contact details.
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The Body Project

Lessons in San Francisco and Berkeley with Certified Instructor Elyse Shafarman.
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George I. Lister and Sally Porter Munro

Offering a three-year program in Palo Alto, California. Includes background information and course details.
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Integrated Motion Studio

Group or private lessons in Hadley, Massachusetts. Instructor Molly B. Johnson describes her background and provides information about the Alexander Technique.
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John Baron

Offers private lessons in Sausalito, California. Includes biography.
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Michael Hanko

Certified teacher in New York City presents benefits and explanation of the technique, as well as fee schedule and testimonials.
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Neils Home Studio

Lessons with Neil Schapera, certified teacher. Cincinnati, Ohio.
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New York Center for the Alexander Technique

Laurie Kline and Michael Ostrow are certified teachers in Manhattan. Includes FAQ and workshop details.
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Saint Louis Center for the Alexander Technique

Lessons and workshops are offered by Katherine Mitchell in Missouri.
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Laura Klein

Certified teacher gives private lessons and group classes in Berkeley, California. Includes workshop details and description of methods.
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The Alexander Technique

Certified teacher Lauri Elizabeth offers lessons in Portland, Oregon. Includes biography and background information.
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Alexander Technique with Dominique Jacques

Individual lessons and group classes in San Diego, Berkeley and Mexico City. Includes an event timetable, an FAQ and a section on working with the voice.
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