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ZX Spectrum Websites

About the Sinclair ZX Spectrum and its clones such as Timex-Sinclair 2000, Pentagon 128 and so on.- Category ID : 61780
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ZX Box

A project which aims to allow the 48K ZX Spectrum to surf the net. [English and Russian]
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Archive of Spectrum games, maps and music.
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Sinclair ZX Spectrum Flyer

Scanned copy of the original Sinclair ZX Spectrum brochure, circa February 1982.
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The World of Spectrum

A huge archive of software, images and documentation for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum.
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Sinclair ZX Spectrum 128 Keypad

Fully documents the keypad produced by Sinclair Research for the ZX Spectrum 128 but never released in the UK. Also describes how to build a compatible keypad.
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Search engine for Sinclair ZX Spectrum files.
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The Speccy Zone

A miscellaneous collection of information on the ZX Spectrum, including links, quizzes and downloadable files.
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ZX Spectrum hardware DIY

Various hardware projects such as IDE hard disk interface, UVY-RGB converter for 48K models and floppy interface.
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Rebelstar Spectrum Emulation and Remakes

Downloadable Spectrum games, emulators, ROMs and news of remakes of classic titles.
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Nostalgia page dedicated to the Hobbit computer, a Soviet-era clone of the ZX Spectrum. Provides press articles, Hobbit fonts and links to related sites.
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Celebrating 16k Spectrum games with a full list, and articles on the 1982-85 period.
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eGroups : ZX_SPECTRUM128K

Message forum dedicated to the ZX Spectrum and related matters.
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Sinclair Spectrums Cyber Hippies

Yahoo group for Spectrum fans, providing somewhere for users to discuss games and happy Spectrum memories.
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comp.sys.sinclair Sinclair ZX Spectrum FAQ

Covers information on the Sinclair ZX Spectrum computer and questions that appear frequently on the comp.sys.sinclair Usenet newsgroup.
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Hardware changes and modifications.
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ZX Gate

An easy-to-build ZX 81/ZX Spectrum/Jupiter ACE/TRS80 using gate array logic.
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The Spectrum Hardware Page

Lists all known peripherals for the ZX Spectrum with details and, in many cases, pictures.
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Hack Attack III

Large collection of multiface POKEs for the ZX Spectrum.
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Spectrum Zone

Concentrates on Spanish games for the Spectrum with covers, screenshots, manuals, reviews and walkthroughs. In English, Spanish and Italian.
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ZX Spectrum Hardware DIY Site

Includes the ZXATASP IDE interface and other hardware projects.
All Languages