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Shell Websites

Shells are interactive, programmable command interpreters for Unix and GNU-Linux operating systems (OSs). They have text-only interfaces, have some of the properties of programming languages, and are often used for remote access to systems through telnet or SSH client programs.- Category ID : 61065
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Scheme Shell, broad-spectrum system programming environment for Unix, embedded in R5RS Scheme 48. Supports concurrent system programming, sophisticated I/O and automatic garbage collection for process resources.
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A Unix environment for the VMS operating system, including a port of the bash shell.
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Shell Overview

A high-level examination of the Unix shell.
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Plain-text FAQ with newsgroup links.
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HTML Shell

A platform for embedding Unix shell commands and complete shell scripts into a webpage.
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Jsh Development Home

Development page for jsh, an OS independent shell with native Java support. Links to download source and binaries.
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Softpanorama Open Source University

Open content tutorials and other information on bash, ksh, and zsh.
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Psh Development Home

Development page for psh, a native Perl shell for Windows 95/98/2000 and POSIX operating systems. Documentation and mailing list archives available online, with source and binaries available for download.
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JSH Resources

Jsh advocacy page; hosts documentation, binaries and source for jsh, an OS independent shell with native Java support.
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Windows ports of many of the popular GNU software tools, including the BASH and tcsh shells.
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Unix-like command line interface for the Macintosh, modeled on csh.
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V6 Thompson Shell Port

Sources, documentation and a blog for a port of the original Unix 6th Edition to modern Unix systems, with some backwards compatible enhancements and new utilities.
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The Es Shell

A highly programmable shell inspired by the rc shell and scheme. Mailing list archives and source code.
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Manual page for the original Unix First Edition shell.
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Fake User SHell Interface (FUSHI)

A program which helps the user to learn the basics of Linux quickly. It keeps the user in a safe environment and allows him to learn effectively.
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File Permissions Ninja

Online tool to convert different types of Unix file permissions.
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MKS Toolkit

Ksh and Csh for Win32 environments, as well as a full development environment.

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