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Feed Readers Websites
RSS reader, also known as an aggregator, is a software application or webservice that takes RSS feeds and displays them in readable format.- Category ID : 59978
1 - AmphetaDesk
Free, cross platform, open-sourced, syndicated news aggregator.
2 - TALAggregator
Multi-user web based RSS Aggregator. Caches feeds to MySQL database, handles bad RSS, and includes template driven interface.
3 - Rnews
Server-side RSS aggregator written in php using MySQL as the back-end and uses magpierss for the RSS parser.
4 - Planet
Server software that combines several feeds together and publishes them together on one web page.
5 - Feed on Feeds
A Free PHP/MySQL based server-side RSS and Atom aggregator. All feeds are in one place, and users can read the latest news wherever they are.
6 - RssDisplay
A quick Perl CGI to render an RSS feed in HTML for use in SSI on sites. This script does that very simply, yet with a small set of configurable options.
7 - Rawdog
An aggregator written in Python that supports RSS 0.9, 1.0, 2.0, CDF and Atom feeds.
8 - NewsFeed
A desktop RSS reader and aggregator in Python/Tk.
9 - myRadio
Extension to Radio Userland aggregation from RSS to any data source, including XML, HTML, and SOAP.
10 - The infoRSS Project
A lightweight RSS, ATOM, NNTP and HTML headlines reader for Firefox, Mozilla, SeaMonkey, Netscape and Thunderbird. Download, FAQ, screen shots, and Flash movie demos.
Open source RSS news aggregator designed to build collections of feeds and provide a first page presentation of feeds from many sources.
12 - Sage
RSS and Atom feed aggregator extension for Mozilla and FireFox browsers.
13 - Popuload
Plugin for Adobe Photoshop for Mac that allows you to read news from RSS feeds while waiting for time-consuming operations to complete.
14 - RSS-Planet
A program that displays RSS items based upon their geographical location on a map of the world. Requires xplanet or OSXplanet.