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- Category ID : 58779
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Shiflett, Chris

A PHP author, blogger, and speaker.
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Shymbra, Taras

Resume, projects, documents. Photo album.
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Stevens, Andrew

Information on search engines, XML, Internet privacy, web development, usability, Internet statistics/demographics, information architecture, and random personal stuff.
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Siddique, Abdul Rasheed

Area interest (graphics, programming) and some information about the author himself.
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Seker, Sadi Evren

Contact info and CV. Java, Pascal, Visual Basic, C, Lisp, SQL sources and applications. Linux page.
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Shaw, Dale

Stuff for VB, Delphi, SQL and Access. Some sources.
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Semack, Myron

About. Weblog - The life of an embedded software engineer. Friends and technology links. Recommended reading (magazines and books).
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Santos, Jonathan

Skills. Collection of programming and design tips. Hobbies. Art attempts. Photos.
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Stanyer, Paul

Personal information and resume. Source code for various programming projects and also some complete programs.
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Senturk, Ozer

Source code, example programs and complete projects written in C/C++, C++ Builder, Visual Basic, OpenGL, Perl/CGI.
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Smith, Michael

Computer scientist at the University of Edinburgh. Site contains personal weblog, academic research, publications, and revision notes.
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Sie, Jimmy

Contents include programming (C function reference, ASCII table), mathematics (The Monty Hall Dilemma), music sections. Journal.
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Strehovsky, Michal

Author of SysTuner, ACLib, Empathy and other programs.
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Sporsheim, Haakon

News, projects (C++, C#) and other information concerning software development.
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Strackany, Ben - DevelopmentNow

Forums, information, and a weblog oriented towards software developers and other IT professionals. Archive of dotnet.* newsgroups.
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Sample, Neal

A database and systems researcher at Stanford University. A collection of recent CS publications.
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S., Anantha J.

A list of current projects, photography, and favorite quotes from a Senior Software Engineer.
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Stroeger, Kim

Resume, pictures, and links.
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