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- Category ID : 58773
3 - Moore, Alton
Java IRC client, C IRC client, indexed file system in C, web-based email in CGI/C, and many other programs in C, all with source code.
4 - McWilliams, Cory
Games and utilities written in C++, Visual Basic, and Java, and a regularly updated Internet news page.
6 - Molhanec, Michal
GStream library for Allegro. DevPaks for Dev-C++. Ganes with C++ sources. Archivers comparsion table.
7 - Mihu, Raluca
Resume. Personal. Articles. Collected jokes. Recommended links.
9 - Mihaiu, Razvan
Articles dedicated to software and hardware developments, IT analysis, Sun Certified Java Programmer (SCJP) exam preparation materials. Photos. Links.
10 - Mikhalyov, Vladimir
Personal photos, trip descriptions and hobbies. Java applet and Flash examples. Partly in Russian.
11 - Massyn, Phillip
About, contact, Perl, Unix shell, VBScript scripts. Also photos, downloads, links.