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Debugging Websites

Programs primarily intended to aid to programmer in finding and fixing bugs.- Category ID : 57423
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DDD - Data Display Debugger

A graphical X Window front-end for command-line debuggers such as GDB, DBX, WDB, Ladebug, JDB, XDB, the Perl debugger, or the Python debugger.
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Spline Technologies Corporation

Offers debuggers for ASP, JavaScript, and VBS. Information available on features and system requirements as well as an online demo. [Commercial]
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Auto Debug System

An auto-tracing tool to spy Window API and COM Interface calls.
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Sankhya Tools for Software Development

Sankhya Simulator, a retargetable Instruction Set Simulator that loads ELF/DWARF and S-Record Files; Sankhya Debugger, a simple assembly level system debugger.
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HP WDB Debugger

An HP-supported implementation of the GNU GDB debugger.
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A logging tool for debugging and monitoring .NET, Java and Delphi applications. Includes various logging libraries and a graphical viewer application. Site includes screenshots, tour, articles, and details of features. [Commercial, with free trial]
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Microsoft Debugging Tools

Downloads and related resources for debugging tools for Windows.
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Zeta Debugger

Stand-alone debugger for C/C++ applications, running on MS-Windows platforms, supporting Borland C++ and Visual C++. Site includes feature overview, documentation, screenshots, download option, source code access. [MIT License]
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GDB: The GNU Debugger

The standard debugger for the GNU software system. Runs on many Unix-like systems, supports Ada, C, C++, FreeBASIC, Free Pascal and Fortran. Site includes release schedule, documentation, download option, news, bug reports and mailing lists.
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Visual Studio add-in for debugging embedded targets, local Cygwin/MinGW applications or Unix programs on remote machines using GDB as a backend and SSH protocol for communication. Most Visual Studio debugger features are supported. Site includes a feature overview, screenshots, trial download option, and purchasing information.
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Online Regular Expression Validator

One page web-site that offers a very basic mechanism to enter regular expressions and to test if provided input matches these. Result output is in the form of some sort of parse tree.
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Wikipedia: Debugging

Article with links to many related topics. Article includes origin, scope, tools, process, and techniques.
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Graphical user interface to the GNU Debugger (GDB) that is written in Tcl/Tk. Site includes screenshots, download option, bug database, and FAQ section. [GPL v2, v3]
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Tool for debugging of embedded Linux applications. Site includes documentation, platform coverage, download option, and tips and tricks section. [GPL v3]
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TimeMachine Debugging Suite

Forward and backward (in time) debugger for embedded C/C++ by Green Hills Software. Site includes some documentation, screenshot, and datasheet. [Commercial]
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Series of articles on the topic of debugging, in the form of a blog. Most articles were written in 2008/2009 timeframe.
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Google Beaver Debugger

Cross-platform GDB frontend with graphical user interface for C++, C and QScript. Site includes download option, open issues overview, source code access and blogs. [Lesser GPL]
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