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Directories Websites
A Web directory is a static listing of Web links, usually built up by human editors. Directory links are usually described in a short paragraph, and categorized by subject. The Open Directory you are using right now is an example of a Web directory. This category lists general interest directories in English or multilingual, including English.- Category ID : 56497
1 - Findelio
Web directory with an A-Z category list and a blog section.
2 - Seven Seek
Offers a professionally edited Internet directory, organized by subject.
3 - Best of the Web
Internet web directory organized by topic. A local, UK, and blog directory featured as well.
4 - Linkopedia
Human-edited directory of paid listings categorized by topic.
5 - Somuch
Links on various topics, mostly focused on computers and Internet.
7 - GoGuides.Org
Directory started by former editors and maintained by contributors who pay a membership fee. Includes an image search and updated news.
8 - Gimpsy
Sites classified by the activity the user is aiming at, providing a natural language search interface.
9 - Chiff
A directory of sites selected for good content, design, navigation, and absence of pop-up ads.
10 - Jasmine Directory
General and business web directory, featuring hand-picked resources, a regional section and a blog.
11 - Directory Journal
Provides a wide range of categories and resources. How-to guides, webmaster tools, marketing related articles and blogs are available as well.
12 - Aviva Directory
Organized by topic general and blog web directory, offering marketing related articles and readings.
13 - AbiLogic
Human edited directory, featuring web sites organized in relevant categories.
14 - Apahcinc
Offering mostly hand-picked listings of websites sorted into topical categories.
15 - KwikGoblin
Provides a vehicle through which website owners can get exposure for their websites and promote their websites through paid listings.
16 - Alive Web Directory
Internet web directory founded in 2005, providing a comprehensive collection of websites from around the world.