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Research Groups Websites

This category contains links to distributed computing research groups.- Category ID : 54488
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ORNL Distributed Computing Project

Oak Ridge National Lab has developed a world-wide reputation for its parallel and distributed computing research.
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Caltech Parallel and Distributed Computing Group

Research group at California Institute of Technology. Focus includes fault-tolerant cluster computing.
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Georgia Tech Systems Research Group

Research group in the College of Computing. Focuses include distributed operating systems, mobile computing, discrete event simulation, and cluster computing for media applications.
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MTA SZTAKI Laboratory of Parallel and Distributed Systems

Computer and Automation Research Institute Research and consultation focusing on parallel and distributed software engineering. Affiliated with Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest.
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Horus Project

Reliable distributed computing research in Cornell University computer science department. Has information on Ensemble, a publicly distributed toolkit based on Horus research.
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Illinois Systems Research Group

Research focuses include distributed operating systems, middleware, and agent-based computing.
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University of Texas Distributed Multimedia Computing Lab

Research focus includes file systems, media transmission protocols, and operating system support for multimedia networking.
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Columbia University Network Computing Laboratory

Research in experimental software systems to make personalized computing ubiquitously available, anytime and anywhere.
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Columbia University

Distributed Computing and Communications Laboratory: This lab pursues experimental research of networked systems. Works to develop fundamental novel networking technologies and maximize their impact by exporting them to industry and academia.
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Distributed Computing Group

The research interests of the group include: data structures and algorithms, distributed computing (e.g.: routing, file systems, and generally scalability and decentralization of data and algorithms), peer-to-peer computing, mobile computing, networking, ad-hoc networks, online algorithms and randomization.
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Distributed Systems Group - Technical University of Vienna

The Distributed Systems Group in the Information Systems Institute of the Technical University of Vienna conducts teaching and research in distributed computing.
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Extreme! Computing

Indiana University Computer Science high performance distributed computing and grid computing lab.
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The Panic Lab Homepage

The focus of our group is on Pervasive, Available, No-futs, Internet Computing (PANIC). Information and an archive of collected papers.
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The Lee Center for Advanced Networking

Research center at Caltech, supporting development of a global-scale wireless distributed computing system that connects people and appliances.
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The Distributed Group - LSI Dept. University of Seville

University of Seville research group with a focus on developing description languages and tools for dealing with the complexity of multiparty interactions in internet-based applications and e-business systems.
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University of Cambridge

Computer Laboratory Systems Research Group is the largest research area in the Computer Laboratory covering hardware, communications hardware and software, operating systems and distributed systems.
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Advanced Computing for Science

Seeks to allow scientists to address complex and large-scale computing and data analysis problems beyond what is possible today. The department is developing software components which will operate in a distributed environment.
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