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Cooperatives Websites

Housing cooperatives, collectives, and associations based on a cooperative business model.- Category ID : 52272
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The Council of New York Cooperatives & Condominiums

News and archived information for residential housing cooperatives and condominiums in New York and beyond.
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National Association of Housing Cooperatives

The U.S. N.A.H.C. is a nonprofit national federation of housing cooperatives and mutual housing associations. Contains information on living in and starting housing co-ops, a listing of publications, and links and member information.
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Co-operative Housing Federation of Toronto - CHFT

Member-funded organization that promotes and develops non-profit co-operative housing in Toronto and York Region. Provides education, information, advice, and services to members.
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Radical Routes Secondary Co-op

Helps small, radical co-ops to establish themselves. Includes background, articles, co-op members, and publications.
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Community Housing Council of South Australia

Many articles, FAQS, and newsletters on cooperatives and community housing in Australia.
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Dreamtime Village

An experiment in ecovillage design, based in Lima, Peru. Includes stories about living in Dreamtime, and contact information for new resident applications.
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WeOwn (Association for Resident Control of Housing)

Site detailing models for housing co-operatives and useful information to members of them.
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University of Texas ICC

Provides cooperative student housing off campus at the University of Texas at Austin. Information, online application form, and details of the coops history.
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Co-operative Housing Federation of British Columbia (CHF BC)

Association of non-profit housing co-ops. Includes information about and for housing co-ops, member services, and co-op directory.
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International Co-operative Housing

Lobbies, educates, researches and informs about co-operative housing as a solution to housing needs. Includes links to reports from the International Co-operative Housing Committee.
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Waterloo Cooperative Residence Inc.

Student housing cooperative in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Includes general information about Waterloo and housing co-ops.
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