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Associations Websites

Organizations representing growers, marketers, processors, and others involved in the international coffee industry.- Category ID : 49733
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Coffee Board of India

Promotes knowledge by providing information and history regarding the coffee industry in India.
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Speciality Coffee Association of Japan

A non-profit organization that promotes the coffee trade in Japan. [English and Japanese]
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Norwegian Coffee Association

Promotes coffee production, provides courses and seminars, and tests coffee machines in Norway. [English and Norwegian]
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Hawaii Coffee Association (HCA)

Trade association for processors of coffee in Hawaii. Information on varieties, history of coffee-growing, and the annual conference and other trade shows and events.
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Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA)

Site provides resources on the coffee industry as well as an overview of the history, techniques, and standards for coffee cultivation and processing. Calendar of events, resources, current issues and a bulletin board also provided.
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Speciality Coffee Association of Europe

Trade association for the European speciality coffee community. Calendar, images, and other resources provided.
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International Coffee Organization (ICO)

London-based intergovernmental body of coffee exporting and importing countries. Offers current industry news and legislative alerts; organizational structure, policies, history, and membership information; event and meeting overviews; and a library of coffee research.
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Eastern African Fine Coffees Association (EAFCA)

Representing coffee sectors of Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda. Current market information and industry news, as well as membership and policy listings provided online.
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National Coffee Association of U.S.A. (NCA)

Trade association of U.S. coffee companies, conducting research into coffee production and consumption. Membership and event information and coffee trade statistics.
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Coffee Association Of Canada

Event information, tips for making coffee, and articles about the global coffee industry. [English and French]
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British Coffee Association (BCA)

Information that represents the coffee manufacturers in the United Kingdom. Contact information and a list of founding members provided.
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European Coffee Federation

Represents the European coffee manufacturing industry, the green coffee trade, and roasting industry.
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Pacific Coast Coffee Association

Encourages growth and prosperity in the coffee business. Includes a membership application and information. Walnut Creek, California.
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Specialty Coffee Association of Costa Rica

Includes information on history of coffee in the country, members, and projects. Features a calendar and news section. [Spanish and English]
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Green Coffee Association, Inc.

Trade association in the United States which works in conjunction with the Coffee, Sugar and Cocoa Exchange.
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Cooperative Coffees

A green coffee importing cooperative of coffee roasters in the USA and Canada. Includes background information, news, and producer photos.
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