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Production Staff Websites

- Category ID : 43473
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Ran Barker

Line producer, associate producer and 1st and 2nd assistant director.
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Jayasuriya, Sherard

First assistant director for film, television, and commercial films.
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Guido, Gustavo

Production Manager and Location Manager from Argentina and Uruguay. CV, pictures from TV commercials and movies he has worked on, and related links. View site in English or Spanish.
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Jordan, Jessica

Script Supervisor based in Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and the San Francisco Bay Area.
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Skupen, Mark

Resume of an independent Production Manager/Coordinator with 15 years in the film and television industries.
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Adamo, Paul Scott

Talent Coordinator and Producer for television series and specials, talk shows, live events, documentaries and radio programs.
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Nehring, Barbara

Production manager for TV, movies, and commercials in Berlin. View site in English or German. Includes qualifications, production credits, and contact information.
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Blackwell, Rebecca

Producer for television advertising and infomercials.
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Pickney, Lou

The personal homepage for a Tampa, Florida TV news producer.
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Eric Vander Borght

Produces portraits of people, mostly in Europe, Switzerland, France, Belgium, and corporate/institutional films and videos, shot and broadcast worldwide.
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John Godwin: Video Production in Atlanta

Betacam production services in Atlanta/Southeast, with field production and editing available. Includes resume and stills.
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David Jon Devoucoux Productions

Creative producer/director with more than 30 years of broadcast experience.
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Lisa Savage: Film and Television Research

Freelance film researcher researching footage, stills, audio for all media use. Includes CV, portfolio, and description of available services. Based in Australia but also researches internationally.
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