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Associations Websites

Organizations and associations involved with any general aspect of the sheep industry. Does not include organizations or associations focusing on a specific breed, which belong in specific breed categories.- Category ID : 43086
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Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers

Information and products concerning raising quality sheep and wool.
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Ontario Sheep Marketing Agency

A Canadian producer run organization which represents all aspects of the sheep, lamb and wool industry in the province.
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British Coloured Sheep Breeders Association

This website is dedicated to British coloured sheep, in all their various shapes, sizes and forms.
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American Sheep Industry Association

Sheep industry news and membership information. Offers resources to help sheep producers maximize their products.
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Natural Lamb Association

Dedicated to the development, advancement, and promotion of the natural lamb in the Ontario market. Includes information about membership, standards and producers.
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Iowa Sheep Industry Association

Providing ISIA membership and contact information, and details of the services available to ISIA members.
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Treasure Valley Sheep Producers

An Idaho sheep Producer organization, promoting the sheep industry, encouraging and mentoring youth, and promoting fellowship and comradery among the industry.
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Bonnysheep - Showcasing Sheep Breeds On-line

A website designed for farmers to showcase their sheep to fellow breeders.
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Connecticut Sheep Breeders Association

Promotes and encourages sheep raising, improvements in the quality of the animals, and to aid in securing legislation that is in the best interest of the sheep breeders of Connecticut.
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Manitoba Sheep Association

Providing information related to industry initiative, coming events, sheep reference manual, sheep shearers, wool depots, constitution, history, board of directors, and membership.
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National Colored Wool Growers Association

An on-line forum for anyone with an interest in natural colored sheep and wool.
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Alberta Lamb Producers

A producer-funded organization that exists to promote and support the Alberta sheep industry.
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Garden State Sheep Breeders

Non-profit, educational organization promoting sheep and wool products.
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Kentucky Sheep and Goat Development Office

Promoting the sheep industry in Kentucky.
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Vermont Sheep and Goat Association

To support, improve and strengthen the Vermont sheep farmers community and its infrastructure. Contains list of resources, information on grants and animal health.
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