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Dairy Websites

This category is for businesses involved in various aspects of the dairy industry.- Category ID : 42943
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Wisconsin Dairy Youth

Information on Wisconsin Dairy Youth activities, dairy resources, state contests, dairy judging and news.
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A listing of links to other websites and business involved in the dairy industry including genetics companies, hoof trimming services, dairy breeders, and publications.
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UK Milk Quota Trading & Property Sales

View land and property listings available for sale in the United Kingdom, buy and sell milk quota online. Also includes company location, profile and professional services.
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Greaveston Genetics

An exporter of live dairy cattle and frozen embryos from Canada to international destinations. Offers information about company history, services and pertinent details for potential suppliers.
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International Dairy Federation

A forum for discussion and exchange of dairy information, federation events and offerings, publications, contacts and activities.
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Milk Specialties Company

Offering milk replacers, ration supplements, health products, technical advice and contact information.
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Accelerated Genetics

Offers dairy cattle genetics for AI purposes including Holstein, Jersey, Geurnsey and Brown Swiss. Outlines research projects in progress and offers a Sire Summaries and a virtual directory.
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Semex USA

Distributes cattle genetics products, embryos and live cattle to dairy and beef industries. Includes product information, company details, genetics research news, related links and contacts.
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Quality Certification Services

A dairy records auditor providing a source of information for the US dairy industry. Offers auditing guilelines, certified service providers, photo gallery, sample unknowns, faq and industry links.
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Offering cow domain names, directory of cow merchandise available across the internet, pictures, information and related links.
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Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board, Inc.

Provides Wisconsin dairy producers with information on products and services to help manage farm businesses. Includes butter, cheese and BFP markets, weather, dairy news and events, environmental issues, agricultural databases and general information.
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Australian Dairy Corporation

Offers information about the Australian dairy industry and products. Includes large sections on statistics, health and nutrition, butter, cheese, milk and recipes.
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