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Science Fiction and Fantasy Websites

Resources and information for writers about the art, craft and/or business of writing science fiction and fantasy. This category includes sf/f-specific writing tips and articles, markets, workshops, organizations, chat, e-zines and newsletters, email lists, and research and other resources.- Category ID : 42066
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SFF World

Science Fiction and Fantasy site, with biography, bibliography, news, book reviews, interviews, articles and links. Features articles of interest to science fiction and fantasy writers.
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Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America, Inc.

A professional organization for authors of science fiction, fantasy and related genres.. The SFWA site contains membership information, links to members sites, markets, and sample contracts.
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The University of Michigan Fantasy and SF Home Pages

Featuresof this site include a symbolism dictionary and an online library containing the full text of many science fiction and fantasy works.
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Jeffrey A. Carver

Includes advice to aspiring authors, particularly in science fiction and fantasy and essays on writing. Also, a weblog about being a writer and other personal events.
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Speculative Vision Science Fiction and Fantasy

Resources include an art gallery, forum, full text Science Fiction and Fantasy classics, games and links.
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Online Writing Workshop for Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror

Web-based, peer-review writing workshop for aspiring authors. Includes reviews, discussion list, and newsletter. Offers a one month free membership trial.
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Write SF

Free online course for young writers, created by SF author Jeffrey A. Carver. Covers the fundamental skills needed to write successful SF and fantasy stories.
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Resources for Science Fiction Writers

A collection of essays and projects about writing science fiction.
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The Language Construction Kit

Intended for anyone who wants to create artificial languages -- for a fantasy or an alien world, as a hobby, as an interlanguage. It presents linguistically sound methods for creating naturalistic languages -- which can be reversed to create non-naturalistic languages.
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Clarion Writing Program

Information on the well-known science fiction and fantasy writing workshop held at UC San Diego. Workshop and Alumni information, newsletter, workshop instructors, contacts and FAQ.
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Viable Paradise

This is an intensive one-week workshop, in writing and selling commercial science fiction and fantasy. held annually in New England. The instructors are professional writers and editors. Both novels and short stories are considered and workshopped.
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Peter Rey

Horror and fantasy novel writer shares his experiences with creative writing and self-publishing.

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