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Printmakers Websites

- Category ID : 41859
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Gerlikaite, Jurgita

Gallery of digital prints in combination with intaglio and other traditional media. Biography and exhibition list by EU based artist.
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Kuklík, Ladislav

Showcasing modern figurative, stylized, and often conceptual etchings.
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Lorenz, Hilary

She incorporates photomicrography, X-rays, and elements of fifteenth-century scientific research on human circulation in her digital photography, intaglio and relief printmaking.
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Kavan, Jan

Featuring a collection of figurative symbolic etchings.
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Wolfe, Judith

New York artist working in serigraphs, illuminated serigraphs, landscape monoprints, and floral monotypes.
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Women Printmakers of Austin

The WPA site showcases the work of its members, to promote the organization, and the art of printmaking in Austin, Texas.
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Capova, Hana

Gallery of symbolic etchings, drawings and paintings by the Czech artist.
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Haas, Richard

Biography, paintings and prints using architectural subjects.
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Clarke, Helen

Reduction lino prints and etchings interpret the Australian landscape and flora. Includes gallery of images, biography and explanation of techniques.
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Hacalaki, Mustafa

Gallery of serigraphs, lithographs, engravings and mixed media artworks by Turkish artist. Includes biography.
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Franzini, Paula

Gallery of abstract digital art (printmaking and painting) inspired by science by Canadian artist.
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Walker, Michael

Gallery of digital images and artist books, biography and details of career in Arts Education, printmaking links.
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Ruiz, Gerardo

Printmaker from San Miguel de Allende, Mexico works in mediums of drypoint, mezzotint, aquatint, etching and experimental techniques. Offers printmaking workshops.
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Wagner, Barbara

UK artist has a variety of fine art printmaking techniques on theme of human figure.
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Cunningham, Jennifer

Etchings, drawings and paintings by Irish artist who runs painting and printmaking classes at her studio in Galway.
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American pop artist now residing in the UK and working with silkscreen, giclee and photographic printmaking techniques.
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Revock, Russ

Meticulous biomorphic fine art prints, paintings and drawings from Cleveland, Ohio, USA.
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Passamani, Mario

Gallery of serigraphs, lithographs, engravings and alternative photography artworks.
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McGuirl, Cynthia Motian

Home studio with information on shows and workshops. Print making, sculpture and sketches.

Subcategories under Printmakers 5

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