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Organizations Websites

- Category ID : 41549
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Association of Mouth and Foot Painting Artists (AMFPA)

A worldwide association of artists that organizes a wide range of exhibitions, sells original art works and permits publishing houses to reproduce their works as art greeting cards and calendars.
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Art Renewal Center

Combines international art news, reviews, articles, scholarship competitions and a large research library of master paintings.
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Portrait Society of America, Inc.

A nonprofit organization directed by a governing board of artists. Provides information on portrait conferences and membership details.
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Online watercolor society using e-mail and web sites to promote and teach art with a main focus on watercolor.
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California Watercolor Association (CWA)

The largest water media organization in California, a newsletter, workshops, and exhibitions.
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Pastel Society of America

The oldest pastel society in the United States promoting the use of the pastel medium. Activities include exhibitions, workshops and classes in pastel.
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Pastel Society of North Carolina

Showcases the member pastel artists and their work. Exhibits with maps are listed. Short biography and contact information for each artist also available.
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Lake Artists Society

Member information and online exhibition of their paintings, history, shows. Based in the Lake District, UK.
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Brooklyn Working Artists Coalition,BWAC

The largest artist run, not for profit art organization in Brooklyn. Conduit between the rich and diverse arts community of Brooklyn and the general public as well as the greater art world. Artist slide file, (3) three major Brooklyn art exhibitions each year, calendar.
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Society of Tempera Painters

This website is devoted exclusively to the Egg Tempera painting medium. The Society supports improvement in the art of Tempera Painting by the interchange of the knowledge and experience of the members.
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Midwest Watercolor Society

A national organization devoted to advancing the stature of transparent watercolor as a major expression and to foster its appreciation. Membership, exhibitions, and news.
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Watercolor Artists of Sonoma County

WASCO is a Sonoma County watercolor organization whose purpose is to promote the values and acceptance of watercolor as a viable art form. Membership information and portfolios.
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Virginia Watercolor Society

Society of watercolor and watermedia artists in Virginia. General and membership information, links to other watercolor societies, exhibitions.
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Community Arts Association

Tax-exempt, non-profit, co-operative organization open to all artists and art enthusiasts. Membership includes artists from Northern New Jersey and lower New York State. Membership, shows, contest, and newsletter.
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Women Painters of Washington

Organization of women painters in the state of Washington. Includes history and general information, application, member biographies and image galleries, and member area.
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Allied Artists of America

Founded in 1914 for the advancement of American art. It is based in New York City, has about 1,000 members all over the world. Membership, officers, and exhibitions and awards they sponsor.
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Houston Chinese Amateur Painting Club

Organization information, member galleries, and shop for paintings in Western style. English and Chinese.
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Bastrop Fine Arts Guild

Association of visual artists in Bastrop, Texas, dedicated to promoting and encouraging fine art in this community. View art, schedules and events.
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Pastel Society of New Mexico

Regional organization formed in 1989 to fulfill a need to promote the soft pastel medium and to encourage the use of pastels by artists and foster public understanding and appreciation of pastels as a painting medium. A virtual gallery for members, exhibits, workshops and links to individual member pages.
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Sumi-e Society Midwest

Branch of the Sumi-e Society of America. Resource for Oriental brush painting and calligraphy, techniques, teachers, and supplies. Also has a gift shop and gallery.
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Pikes Peak Watercolor Society

A non-profit group of Pikes Peak Region of Colorado watercolor artists, art, galleries, and web pages.
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Pastel Artists of Canada

Promotes public appreciation of art in soft pastel and works to improve the skills of artists working in this fine art medium.
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