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Sites listed in Multiple Media Artists are for commercial (non-shopping) studios, portfolios or galleries for established individual artists who work in multiple mediums i.e. painting, sculpture, photography, etc. These sites would normally go into a specific Visual Arts subcategory but are listed here as the focus is not on one particular medium.

- Category ID : 41499
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Vi Vona

Experimentation with collages, music and animated art. A brief background and detailed bio of the artist.
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Vakras, Demetrios

Presents surreal, fantastic and macabre paintings and computer images by the Australian surrealist.
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Vivar, Maluchi

Displays paintings, rugs, hand-painted furniture, and object-based art. [Flash]
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Vensel, Mike

Portfolio of abstract digital art, paintings, and photography.
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Van Duyn, Caroly

Presents a portfolio of works prepared using modern software tools and a traditional fine arts background. Includes a biography and resume.
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Vanderlinden, An

Multimedia Belgian artist displaying abstract oil paintings, weekly updated sketches, interactive games, designs and movies requiring Windows Mediaplayer.
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Venjar, Rune

Features paintings in oil, watercolors, oil pastels and black ink as well as photographs in both black and white and color.
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VanderHoeven, Nakisha Elsje

Sculpture, paintings and drawings; animals and figurative subjects.
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Voulkos, Peter

Potter who also paints, makes prints, and works in bronze. Images including an extensive slide show, news, biography and exhibition information, and page asking for information about works of his whose present whereabouts are unknown.
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Velimanovic, Zoran

Serbian artist specializing in oil painting and sculpture in various media. Images and biography.
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Varga, Gábor Leon

Featuring the paintings, sculptures, installations and graphics of a Hungarian artist.
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van Bosch, Cobus

South African artist working in a variety of media, including, painting, casts in metal, compositions of found objects and other conceptual projects.
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Varon, Jennifer

Collection of expressionist portrait drawings, and symbolic photoshop paintings.
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