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Artists Websites

Artists working in the area of collage not including digital collage and photo montage.- Category ID : 41231
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Kimura, Natsuki

Virtual gallery containing a large selection of collages spanning more than a decade by this Japanese artist.
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Copeland, Dale

Shows her assemblage and collage work on the Virtual TART site in New Zealand.
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Dugdale, Rowena

Collage and photomontage.
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Hellmuth, Claudine

An Orlando artist whose artwork focuses on time, memory, and correspondence.
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Street, Pat

Traditional and digital collage artist uses antique paper items - maps, tickets, photos, playing cards, and postcards to create witty, poignant collages with a contemporary edge.
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Micheeva, Olga

Gallery of collages using plant products.
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Noebel, Christoph

Private gallery of London based German collage artist Christoph Noebel, displaying recent works and offering background to his life and work.
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Vi Vona Collages with Animated Art

Linked pages to animations, collage series, biography and audio.
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BradArt Collage Gallery

Explore the figure through the collage and assemblage art of Los Angeles artist David Brady.
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Ilija Terrah

Freelancer, collage maestro, rastafarisafary freak.
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Talbot, Jonathan

The Internet Studio of artist Jonathan Talbot. Images, information, and links.
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Scheinman, Nancy

Collage artist who has studied at the Washington University School of Fine Arts in St. Louis, the Rhode Island School of Design, the New York Studio School, and Pellacani and Barsi in Pietrasanta, Italy.
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WebMuseum: Cornell, Joseph

American sculptor, one of the pioneers and most celebrated exponents of assemblage (1903-72).
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Presents a gallery of found object assemblage and collage work.
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Nurkse, Lucille

Brooklyn studio of paper-on-paper and button-on-canvas collage artist Lucille Nurkse.
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Kaufman, S. Brett

Body of work encompasses wide range of subjects. Art for sale, illustrator for hire. Featuring photography, collage, and sculpture. Fine art and commercial art.
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Carl, Vince

A gallery of work by the artist. Includes membership sign-up.
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Newell, Monica

Painting, collage and interview with the artist.
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Carnaglia, Denis

A collection of butterflies, made from banknote cuttings.
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Larmon, Kevin

American artist living upstate New York. On-line portfolio of paintings and drawings with resume.
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Kilpatrick, Jan

Ceramic and textile collage by Scotland based mosaic artist. Galleries, biography, course schedule, and travelling workshops.
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Brekan, Ralph Michael

Gallery of pop art mixed media, new media and digital collage.
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Goldstein, Josh

Reconstructed sculptural photo collages as an homage to New York.
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Overton, Debbie

Original collage, miniature hangers and reproduction notecards created from vintage and antique elements.
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Steen, Marian

St. Louis artist creates works on paper using watercolor and collage, with subtle textures, bursts of color, and delicate lines. Includes biographical material.
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Baldwin, Ann

San Francisco Bay area mixed media collage artist and teacher exhibits paintings incorporating Shakespeare and other text. Also has techniques, news of upcoming shows, and classes.
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Fujimura, Taiko

San Francisco-based mixed-media artist presents conceptual 2- and 3-dimensional collage and assemblage works. Includes exhibitions listing.
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Miller, Leslie

Editions of digital pigment prints from original mixed media collages inspired by landscape. Artist information and descriptions of digitally-produced prints.
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Taylor, Jennifer

Artist who creates her work by melding common fragments, scraps and rejected debris. Includes narrative biography and exhibition list.
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Walsh, Martha Link

Artist uses traditional cut-from-one-piece style or more spontaneous multi-colored collages. Includes display of custom and original works and gallery events. Branford, Connecticut.
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Bleistein, Carole

Mixed media collage artist offers gallery of originals, news, biography and advice for artists.
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