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Seaquest Websites

In the 21st century, the oceans have been colonized under the direction of the United Earth Oceans, which uses the Deep Submergence Vehicle SeaQuest to patrol the waters. Its crew includes a sentient dolphin and a Genetically Engineered Life Form. Stars included Roy Scheider, Stephanie Beacham, and Don Franklin. There were three seasons of the television series, seaQuest. Although the submarine remained the same the show changed content, characters, and themes. The first season focused on the seaQuest as a scientific vessel. The second season drifted into fantasy and away from science. The third season basically scrapped most of the characters from the first two seasons and focused on the future and underwater science fiction. The third season also underwent a name change to seaQuest 2032.- Category ID : 40700
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seaQuest DSV Vault

Character profiles, episode guide, transcripts from season one and two available.
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Letter from JMS concerning seaQuest DSV

JMS responds to NBC Executive with this letter dated March 10, 1995 about problems/clarity/ways to improve this series.
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seaFiction Designs

Computer-generated graphics and animations based on the series.
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The Online seaQuest Fan Club

Features episode reviews, scripts, action figures, collectors cards, an ezine, and background information about the series.
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New Cape Quest

Includes archived scripts, image gallery, and Web museum for 2047 and seaFire.
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Why the seaQuest DSV Pilot Sucked

A critical review from Albé-Shiloh concerning the pilot and series.
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The Drums of seaQuest 2032

A negative review of season 3 opening episode, "Brave New World".
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Wikipedia: SeaQuest DSV

Online encyclopedia provides pictures and details of the series.

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