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Series Stories Websites

Novels that have several chronicles, sequels or continuing serial adventures. Sites must have several novels, short stories, or novellas pertaining to the same character or same group of characters.- Category ID : 30901
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Epi World

You have entered a world where technology is outlawed. Nations have slipped into the dark ages of medieval warfare and only ruins and relics of their once advanced civilization remain shrouded in mystery. Those who enjoyed the Lord of the Rings and Star Wars will enjoy this series.
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Incursion - The Official Site

A work in progress by David Barrett.
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Welcome to Crescent Isle

Bringing writers and lurkers from all over together in a shared universe in order to create communal stories.
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Klystar - The Twin Universe

A journey of discovery to find the true nature of our existence and the universe.
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The Adventures of Kurtis Star

Online novel which follows the Adventures of Kurtis Star and his crew aboard the Shootingstar.
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Distant Storms

Free, regularly updated episodes of an ongoing character-driven, science-fiction/adventure series.
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The Book of Rhuines

A developing online series of short related science-fiction fantasy stories.
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An experimental fantasy short-story, told in poetry and prose through the medium of hypertext.
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m a c h i n e

Workers are genetically manufactured to love "THE MACHINE", a technological force manipulating mankind. "MARROW" and his identical brother "BARROW" brother are imperfectly adapted for this destiny and seek freedom.
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Galactic Customs

Saving the Earth from the galaxy, and the galaxy from starbucks.
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A time-warp victim falls in love with his Earth ancestor and risks changing history, disrupting his timeline and jeopardizing his own existence.
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Shattered Remnants of a Dream

Blood, battles, love, loss, and the destruction of the universe.
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Cheeseburger Brown

Illustrated storybooks and pulp scifi novels about robots and spaceships, with aspirations to one day write something even pretentious people could like.
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Agents Provocateurs

The Agency works against the shadowy cabal of corporations that control our dark new world.
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Drafted into the militia, young Eli travels to the top of the world to stand guard over Evermist, an ancient and dangerous island locked away for all time.
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Kat and Mouse: Guns For Hire

The weekly adventures of Kat and Mouse. Mercenaries. Guns for hire. With new installments every Monday.
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A post-apocalyptic survival story, in serial format. Completed.
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The Origin

The Origin is a science fiction series of episode writings on the origin of the human race.
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The Space Saga

An original series, involving science fiction.
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Waking Up Jesus

Tells the tale of an agnostic who is brainwashed into thinking he is Jesus by a shadowy organization... the thing is, he just may be Jesus..
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